Sunday, May 6, 2012

Allen Park: You Can Do It!

On Tuesday, May 8th, the 4 mill increase will be waiting at the polls. Will the Allen Park residents vote and pass, or not? Unfortunately, many of the Allen Park residents are angry and their anger is unreasonable, unrealistic, and misdirected, along with their priorities.
I was at the city council meetings. I saw the residents concern: The hockey rink. Sports seem to be the priority these days, superficial and insignificant. I read the beloved sports arena is up for privatization. Unbelievable. Let’s forget education, police and fire protection, and numerous other city services.
Yes, Allen Park did fall into a cesspool of financial disaster. It wasn’t any fault of the residents or the current administration. It wasn’t the fault of the fire department or the police department. It wasn’t the fault of current mismanaged funds. It happened. Blame is useless. “Why” doesn’t matter. It simply is. There is no way past the situation of failed Studio bonds, leases, and promises.
Allen Park’s Mayor has lost sleep over this issue. He is well aware of the state dominated condition known as Emergency Financial Manager. He understands and fears the “absolute control” of a Rick Snyder appointed Allen Park dictator, not only for himself and his family, but for the residents. So sad, the residents are behaving like co-dependent enablers of a sports entranced mentality. The dysfunctional shift blame as if it shields them from taking responsibility. Responsible adults face situations that need rectified, seeking resolution, not scapegoats. 
Residents seem to be on a whine mission. Would you like some cheese to go with that? Whining will gain nothing. Blaming will fix nothing. Privatizing will only hurt the city condition. The only way out of the “trick bag” of the previous administration is through this millage.
I hope the residents know that since the letter was sent to the State asking for  “help” there have been meetings with Dearborn, Dearborn Heights, and other connecting cities to take on the role of the AP fire department. Oh, I can hear the banter of the whiners now: “Well they wouldn’t take pay cuts. Why are they entitled to their contract? Why are they not taking more cuts in pay? It’s the Mayor and his family....” Really? Seriously? The resident fire fighters and police are supposed to take job cuts and vote in the millage, too, to pay for what AP residents don’t want to? The city employees should pay twice? Yeah, they would, but it’s sad that residents expect city employees to pay twice for benefits they refuse to pay once.
Why should Dearborn or the Heights have to pay their taxes to cover the skins of the Allen Park residents that don’t want to cover their own? Allen Park is NOT the responsibility of Dearborn or the Heights. Why should any city absorb the services for residents too selfish and petty to provide for themselves. Don’t hide behind the city service conservative banter of “tired of giving the police and fire departments a handout.” It doesn’t look good when the mouths that speak are reaching their hand out to take the services paid for by someone else. I think that's called hypocricy.
So, scream, “YEAH!” to Dearborn and Dearborn Heights for taking on the AP burden. That’s one less bill AP will have to pay, right? Foolish. The “that will fix em” mentality doesn’t fall short of unpatriotic and pathetic. I hope AP residents suck it up when they call 911 for a catastrophic fire and Dearborn and the Heights are too busy to service the "poor" people in Allen Park who chose not to pay for these services. I hope it’s not your house that is burning down, or your child’s or grandchild’s, when that time comes. I’ve been there; it isn’t a nice place to be.
The city is asking for a 4 mill increase in taxes for two years. The tax base is falling so it isn’t a huge gouge in the taxpayers’ pockets. Keep the Allen Park city services strong. Keep the firemen in your own back yard. Keep the police at every corner protecting you, your children, and your grandchildren. Keep Allen Park the city that you love and respect. Vote for the millage. Make a point, take off work, and do whatever it is you have to do, but vote that millage in. If not, well, Heaven help you, Allen Park. Life under an EFM dictator isn’t what you want. It isn’t worth the pennies you will save.

Ironically, the EFM can end all contracts for city services. They can sell off any property they choose, without resident support. They can also raise those taxes that the residents seem so afraid of. The EFM only answers to Rick Snyder. There aren't votes needed. The question is: Will it only be a 4 mill increase then? Who knows.

I can't even begin to explain to those who choose not to learn. The dangers of falling into the hands of an Appointed Dictator isn't what the people of Allen Park have ever been about. If this millage fails I guess the pennies saved was worth the sell out. The power is in your hands Allen Park. You make your choices. The police union waived their raises. Now, quit whining please. Do your job. Buckle down, suck it up, and take responsibility for your city. Don't give it away. If the millage fails, so do the people. Your choice. Make it a good one.
Remember, if you aren’t a part of the solution you are a part of the problem.

You can do it. I have faith. Vote “Yes” on the Allen Park millage.
Till the next time…Peace out,



  1. Interesting blog entry. I hadn't really thought if it from this perspective. I hate the fact they are only asking for 4 mils, knowing good and well isnt going to be enough to cover our expenses. Even if it does pass today, they will be asking us for more money later this year. I really wish they'd just ask for it all up front. To your point, the EFM can (And arguably should) ask for the real mil increase needed to cover our gap.

    1. Mike, I didn't want to totally go out there with your point. If the Governor does away with the business property tax like he intends on doing, AP will suffer even more. It's a short term 4 mill millage. Snyder's business tax cuts are tax funds the directly feed the cities the business is in. Dearborn stands to lose $12-$17 million with those cuts. I don't know what percent AP has to lose, but some cities will lose a huge percentage of their tax funds. Some worry about what everyone else is going to get out of something. I worry about education, police and fire protection, and our rights as Americans....but sometimes you just can't even shake people awake, ya know?

    2. I hear what your saying. I just think that its deceptive to only ask for 4 mils now, knowing that it only buys us a short amount of time until the next round of milage increase.

  2. BOOM, What more need be said!bfoaks 2-11

  3. I see you didn't mention anything about the police, fire department and AP DPS workers outrageous pensions and benefits. Also, the overtime abuse by the all of the workers too. If the AP citizens only knew all the facts. What a slap in the face.

    1. A police and fireman benefit and pension package for men and women that have put their lives on the line to save yours is well worth every penny. These people aren't paid outragously, be realistic. Now, talk about outrageous benefits and pensions...look to your politicians...that is outrageous...the rest just falls into the "envy" catagory. Sorry.

  4. You think so? How about $5,000/month pension with fully paid benefits, at age 50? What world are you living in? These workers (and I know some of them personally) have been abusing overtime for years. When they found out the ax was ready to fall, they worked as much overtime as possible because their pension benefit was calculated on the last 3 yrs of employment. I would never vote for a millage increase until they get these "sweet deals" renegoitated. I bet most of the hard working citizens in AP have no idea how this all works, I DO!!! VOTE NO

  5. Everyone has so much to say on this topic. Just look at the blogs all around the internet. The "personal" attacks on these boards crack me up! I just want to point out all of the cities that have cut or otherwise elimiated their public services (Police, Fire, etc)are not in good shape. Take a look at the property values and the conditions of those cities. Its very sad, and the residents pay each day. As people move out the eductional funding decreases, the tax base decreases, and they eventually turn into crime infested, unpopulated desolate cities with no hope for recovery. I didn't move to Allen Park to watch a beautiful city die. Residents need to step up to keep the city the gem that it is. Stop blaming the city employees for the mess that was inevitable. Everyone is so quick to jump on the bandwagon bashing the employees. The same employees that work daily protecting the city by simply being there AT WORK. They are dedicated employees who do an exceptional job and earn fair wages. Next time you think that they don't deserve a pension remember the images that the police and firefighters take home with them. Things that you can't even fathom seeing let alone living with and dealing with on a daily basis. No, everyone forgets about that when they talk about $$. They are just like most of the taxpayers. They work for their money. Difference is, that the people that blog negative greed filled comments and perceptions of these men and women, don't go home putting on the game face smiles to their families after they just witnessed a horrific crime or looked in a family members eye when someone didn't make it. Sure they feel great satisfaction when they can stop a crime, or save someones life, but think about the times that it ends poorly. At any rate, lets save our city. I'm tired of hearing all of the negativity about the police and fire. I am a hard working citizen and I know how it works, I just wish people would get over themselves and their bitterness long enough to realize the differences our dedicated services mean to the community.

    1. Thank gave me tears and chills reading this. The huge issue I don't understand is this: Allen Park didn't intentionally create this situation and somehow the police and fire have taken the brunt as if it is all on their shoulders. Then adults wonder why kids don't respect police or parents anymore...look at what they hear. Respect begins at home. To me if you minimize the scale...Two parents losing their home to foreclosure...Their jobs were downsized. There are four children that need to eat. Are we going to say: "Well if we didn't have to buy these kids that food we wouldn't be in this condition. They had kool aid...they could have drank water. They needed meat...they can live on bread and water. If it wasn't for the kids...we wouldn't be in this position." That's how it balences in my mind. Banter doesn't change the situation...but if the people would ban together and solve the problem...I would be so proud. Thank you for your was a pleasure and a joy to read. ~Pam

  6. First off, I know many auto workers that retired at age 48 with their full benefits. What world are you living in? Retiring at fifty after providing so many years of protection to many isn't horrendous. As for abusing overtime for years...I'm so sorry....but you know that if you had the ability at your job to squeek in an extra two hours and that two hours fell short to one hour and forty five minutes, you would abuse that overtime by calling it even at 2 hours. The police and fire departments have taken cuts, but you aren't airing that...pointing fingers as if I am unjust. Get it straight Anon...I am trying to save the butts of those people that are so worried what everyone else is making, or laying the blame, that they forget or ignore the situation at hand. This is exactly what I was writing about. If you aren't a part of the solution, do not become a part of the problem. Whining about issues that you aren't a part of dims your shine. It's about being a team player. They "we will hang those police and firefighters for making so much money by not voting in the millage" mentality is insane. Lets strangle the education of the children, our own property values, and all the self respect Allen Park residents had for themselves and each other and chalk it up to anger in the police and fire department. I think they call that cutting off your nose in spite of your face. If it doesn't pass...embrace the consequences...and remember that is what YOU chose to be a part of. Enough said.

  7. I see you don't quite get it. The AP city workers are being paid by TAXPAYERS DOLLARS, unlike the UAW which are from the profits of the auto companies. I would be happy to give you a lesson on economics. The average person in AP makes less than the retired cops, firemen and DPS workers. I will be at the next council meeting and ask that all the facts be put on the table so the taxpayers can see what really goes on. Oh, and by the way, the cops from AP are basically known for writing tickets, and that's really about it. I've lived here for 40 yrs, I know what I'm talking about. VOTE NO!!!

    1. Sad thing is that you again are obsessed with wages and retirement. Your missing the point in what I was trying to make. I'm sorry if you or any other person in Allen Park makes less than the police officers or firefighters. The truth is that they spend their days and nights seeing things I hope you never see in your lifetime. Just seeing these things once changes your life forever. They deserve good wages!!!!! When you chose your career (if you have one) you researched places to work and chose your educational path just as they did. Why should they be persecuted on these stupid blogs for earning a living doing what they chose to do. I pay taxes and voted yes on the public safety millage to keep the same level of services (if not better). Go ahead and continue your rant about how the public needs a lesson on economics. I'd say you get what you pay for. The union employees working for the automakers are paid by taxpayers across the globe just like you. Who buys the cars???? The economy is driven by spending. So go ahead and push to have the services contracted out to the cheapest (like the automakers do 1/2 the time. Continue to let people make poor wages and throw up a few more dollar stores so everyone can buy everything they need straight from China.(Since that's all they can afford) We have two new dollar generals in AP, how about another cheap auto insurance or payday advance place! Better yet let's just put a liquor store on every corner, and cut the police and fire to the bone! Then at the next council meeting during your lesson on economics you can tell us what business will set up shop in such a city! Do everyone a favor before sharing your wealth of knowledge at the next meeting and think without being driven by anger for a minute. Perhaps then you might think of things in a better light. The city still has hope, look around at cities who have fallen into recievership and/or cut services. I bet when you drive through them you lock your doors and roll up the windows. Bet they decided once that they would pay "no more taxes" and we don't need all these ticket writing cops. Bet they miss those cops now when somone steals their copper Plumbing or aluminum siding!!!! Or the firefighter when their children are inhaling smoke in a house fire...... I think of things differently, I've lived elsewhere in the past 40 years but Allen Park is my home and I'm glad the cops are here even if they are "known for" writing tickets (after all that is their job). That's like saying well all a doctor is known for around here is making people take their Chemo. Forgetting that they save lives and all.
