I did not want to revisit this issue, but due to the media
and all the negativity brought to this young man I need to find the positive.
Thank you.
Dear Trayvon Martin and family,
I am so terribly sorry for your pain. I am so sorry
that you are not getting the justice you deserve, but though it looks as if
you have lost the battle, you have been iconic in winning the war. For the
first time in a very long time I have watched the Nation UNITE. ALL KIDS, ALL
RACES, ACROSS THE BOARD are standing up for your RIGHT to life, to fight, and
to wear your hoodie. Us mom’s, across the ethnic division lines, understand the
pain of your family, it could have happened to any of us, but it wouldn’t have
drawn the attention it has due to your race. Everyone will remember the
name Trayvon Martin as the kid who united ALL kids. Whites, Blacks, Hispanics,
Arabs, and Asians have joined together! They are protesting and filling the
streets in your defense. It’s a beautiful thing to see us all stand for you,
Tray. You are not going to be remembered as the black kid thug, the vandal that
was suspended for an empty bag of weed. You are going to be remembered as the
young man, with a beautiful smile, that lost his life because he wore a hoodie,
like ALL other kids in America. You are the hooded kid, that tried to defend himself
to a creeper in the night, that lost his life, but in the process United the
people to fight for justice for you and your family, without race, and as a
whole. Thank you, Trayvon, for the gift of unity. Fly with the angels, kiddo.
Once again, my sincere and deep condolences go out to
the Martin family. Your loss is horrendous. Trayvon’s life united the nation
Thank you.
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