Saturday, March 31, 2012

Super PAC's v Voter Suppression

I’m sure Karl Rove and David and Charles Koch (pronounced “Coke”) have their attorneys writing their Appeal, against the ruling tonight in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, as I type.
In Van Hollen v Federal Election Commission the court ruled against the F.E.C rules that restricted campaign donor disclosure to only donations that were earmarked on electioneering communications.
What this means is there is no more hiding the money trail.

Voter suppression is a huge issue that goes deeper than fraud at the polls. It is targeted voter manipulation. Voter Suppression via Voter Communication/ Electioneering Communication is ran by the Super PAC’s to sway, confuse, or bamboozle the voters in targeted areas into believing they don’t need to vote for one reason or another, deflecting them from the polls. Some people have received flyers in the mail saying that the vote was on a different day, some received robo calls saying their candidate was a sure win so they didn’t need to go and vote, and some were told various different things to deter their trip to the polls. It isn’t simply communicating ones electoral wishes; it is deceitful manipulation of targeted areas, and more plainly speaking, the areas with higher populations of non english speaking, lower intelligence, and seniors. It’s cheap and many people buy into it, thinking the calls or flyers are “official” or at least can be believed.

The liberals always try to increase the voter turnout. On the contrary, the conservatives try to suppress it. In 2011, a study at NYU Brennan Center, tracked new legislation, in 14 Republican dominated states, requiring stricter standards for voter registration. They estimated that approximately 5 million voters will find it harder to register to vote this year due to the new and stricter standards.

This legislation is connected to the super PAC’s funders. In over 30 cases the State lawmakers received their “voter communication” legislation from the American Legislative Exchange Council. The Council receives large funding from Koch Industries who pledged 60 million to defeat Obama and implant McCain in the last election.
The Koch Brothers are two of the four children of Fred C. Koch, who developed a new method of refining heavy oil into gasoline. They inherited their wealth; they didn’t earn it. The brothers own the 2nd largest privately owned company in the United States. The annual revenues for Koch Industries are estimated at about 100 billion dollars. They are huge on privatizing everything from education to prison systems. They are also a part of the Mackinac Foundation. They are behind much legislation to break the unions, to privatize, and to destroy collective bargaining rights. The Koch Brothers have been repeatedly fined for illegal dumping, showing no respect for the laws to protect the land and people from their land and water chemical pollutants. There is a huge list of products that are owned by the Koch Brothers, including, but not limited to, Bounty Paper Towels.

The American Energy Alliance and Americans for Prosperity, both nonprofit, are linked to the Koch Brothers, so is Freedom Works. Both Freedom Works and Americans for Prosperity are linked to the Tea Party. Crossroads GPS, also nonprofit, is linked to Karl Rove. The American Energy Alliance, American’s for Prosperity, and Crossroads GPS has run millions of electioneering communications against Obama and other Democratic Senators without any disclosure.
Until tonight, there was no disclosure, therefore, no accountability for the illegal actions brought forth by big money through their “special” Super PAC’s.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson stated tonight in her ruling, “there is no question that the regulation promulgated by the FEC directly contravenes the congressional goal of increasing transparency and disclosure in electioneering communication…In sum, the Court finds that the Congress spoke plainly, that Congress did not delegate authority to the FEC to narrow the disclosure requirement through agency rulemaking, and that a change in the reach of the statute brought about by a Supreme Court ruling did not render plain language, which is broad enough to cover the new circumstances, to be ambiguous….The agency cannot unilaterally decide to take on a quintessentially legislative function; if sound policy suggests that the statute needs tailoring in the wake of WRTL or Citizens United, it is up to Congress to do it.”
A big Thanks to U.S. District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson for taking a stand against the Super PAC’s and the money machine behind it. Though we all know her words may be over turned in the U.S Appeals Court, still she took a stand for the people.

Till the next time….10/4,


Friday, March 30, 2012

Politicians On A Playground

And it all began with The Supreme Court choosing the United States President in the Bush/Gore election. Checks and Balances have long been forgotten. Politicians have lost control of the democracy they “claim” to represent. I seriously wonder who makes the decisions to “cheat” the voters of their choices. It isn’t like we have to wait for Paul Revere to ride up on his horse and hand deliver the votes that have been cast. Our system is totally out of control and severely needs ratification.
I didn’t like Al Gore or George W. Bush, but I lost total respect for George W. when he accepted his Supreme Court appointed position. To me, and my beliefs as an American, we are “for and by the people,” hence, the reasoning for the voting system in the first place. I would have gained respect for any politician in George W.’s position if he would have backed off and said something like: “The people have spoken and chosen Mr. Gore. I want to thank all the people that supported me in this campaign.”  That would have carried some honor and respect for the process; instead, it was like two kids fighting over a Snickers Bar on the play ground. What a joke we had to be to neighboring countries who listen to us talk about our wonderful democracy.

Then there was the fraud talked about during the Bush/Kerry campaign. Oh boy, they are at it again. I was ashamed of our campaigners. Since when did politicians breed strength on mud smearing? It’s pitiful when a politician can’t run on his own merit, but looks for his strength in degrading someone else. The “If I put you down it makes me look better” theory, is a sorry basis for campaigning. This is high level verbal abuse by what is supposed to be America’s finest. Is this the educated political version of “you’re fat,”  “you’re dumb,” or “you’re ugly?” Why aren’t the politicians running under the premise of “I AM” instead of “YOU’RE NOT?”
The Hilary/Barack issue was another plight of “the people have spoken.” Hilary, again, had the popular vote, but the Democratic Party took some of those votes away from her. Hilary votes were added at .5 per person, making every voter only a half of a person in Michigan and 0 votes for Hilary were counted in Florida. Though, there wasn’t a lot of verbal bashing in the Presidential election that followed between McCain/Obama, at least not close to the Kerry/Bush campaign.

But here we are again, and it’s worse than ever. I watched the Republicans debate. I watched Newt snicker toward the crowd as Ron Paul spoke his views. Again, kids on the playground. We will advise our children to sit quietly and respect any speaker, but yet, America’s potential leaders can’t show common respect, on stage and broadcast to millions of homes. Despicable behaviors, lacking respect, make our nation look like a nation of ill mannered bullies.
The Republicans seem to be pulling out all the stops for a primary election.  So the bullies come out again. They aren’t going to allow the people to cast a vote and be counted, they are going to lie and cheat, like in Maine. Mitt Romney was declared the winner before the votes were counted, even with the difference of votes between Mitt and Ron Paul being less than two hundred. Three counties still hadn’t been counted. One county was told their caucus was cancelled due to a terrible snow storm that was supposed to hit. This recommendation came from the Republican Party. They postponed the vote for a week. There was no significant snowfall. Rigged? You decide. (The party said the votes that were cast later were too late to be counted.)

I say it’s time to abort the Paul Revere barbarism. We have no need for the substandard electoral vote system. Every vote can be counted without the worry of politicians needing to acquire “electoral” votes. We can also eliminate voter fraud with programs that have tamper proof, no delete, templates. Polls should install computer screens that allow a voter to sign in under their assigned registration and social security cross referenced number. People could even sign in at home eliminating long poll lines. The ballot appears and BAM….we vote…without fear of deletion, harassment, or fraud. The computer won’t allow the same voter number twice, so that aspect of fraud is wiped out. Of course, the politicians know this form of voting is possible, but they would never back a tamper proof system that wouldn’t give them “bully” room.
Yes, I know electoral votes are secured in our Constitution, but I’m sure our founding fathers would welcome the changes technology has brought. Unlike the other changes our Constitution has suffered, this one stands for the people.

Along with securing our voting rights, I also think that the politicians need to either go home and visit “Mom” for a simple lesson in respect or they should enroll in “Simple Respect 101.” I’m embarrassed just knowing American’s see the dummied down version of America in our politicians. I’m horrified and ashamed in knowing these people represent ALL of us around the world.
Till the next time….over and out,


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I did not want to revisit this issue, but due to the media and all the negativity brought to this young man I need to find the positive. Thank you.

Dear Trayvon Martin and family,
I am so terribly sorry for your pain. I am so sorry that you are not getting the justice you deserve, but though it looks as if you have lost the battle, you have been iconic in winning the war. For the first time in a very long time I have watched the Nation UNITE. ALL KIDS, ALL RACES, ACROSS THE BOARD are standing up for your RIGHT to life, to fight, and to wear your hoodie. Us mom’s, across the ethnic division lines, understand the pain of your family, it could have happened to any of us, but it wouldn’t have drawn the attention it has due to your race. Everyone will remember the name Trayvon Martin as the kid who united ALL kids. Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Arabs, and Asians have joined together! They are protesting and filling the streets in your defense. It’s a beautiful thing to see us all stand for you, Tray. You are not going to be remembered as the black kid thug, the vandal that was suspended for an empty bag of weed. You are going to be remembered as the young man, with a beautiful smile, that lost his life because he wore a hoodie, like ALL other kids in America. You are the hooded kid, that tried to defend himself to a creeper in the night, that lost his life, but in the process United the people to fight for justice for you and your family, without race, and as a whole. Thank you, Trayvon, for the gift of unity. Fly with the angels, kiddo.
Once again, my sincere and deep condolences go out to the Martin family. Your loss is horrendous. Trayvon’s life united the nation and became the FACE OF ALL TEENS, ONE FACE, ONE RACE, ONE ETHNICITY…AMERICAN. Thank you.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin

This morning I was reading Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum speak out and against the statement that President Obama made about Trayvon Martin. Barrack said: “If I had a son he would look like Trayvon.” Now, of course, Newt and Rick are going to pounce on this as a racist statement. It is not. I have three sons ranging from 17 to 26. They look like Trayvon. They are white.
The truth about Trayvon is he didn’t look suspicious because of his race, it was because of the way he was dressed. I can’t tell you how many times I have told my sons they looked like “a thug” when they wore the hood of their hoodies over their heads, especially over a fitted 59/50 New Era. This isn’t racism, this is discrimination based on fashion, nothing more. People my age should recognize this from the long hair era of our pasts. Petty? Yes.

I understand why the black community thinks it is racial, but in reality, if it was any of my three sons, George Zimmerman would have still walked free in that community. The same conclusions would have been reached. My sons, too, would have looked suspicious. One of those sons has light hair and blue eyes, but he would have been deemed “dangerous” just because the hood of his hoodie was over his head. There would have been no arrests. Not with that Florida Police Department.

Police have been granted far too much power. In real life, or real American life as it used to be, George Zimmerman would have been arrested first, cleared, and released later, if the information cleared him. In this case, from what I can gather, the information didn’t clear him. In this case, he shouldn’t be cleared. He initiated the altercation without cause or justification. A half time trip to 7-11 to buy Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea doesn’t constitute a cause for concern. Nor does it justify a fatal gunshot wound to the chest.

In the 911 call, George reported Trayvon as looking suspicious. Yes, he was the neighborhood watch captain, but it wasn’t his job to “stalk” Trayvon, especially after he was told by 911 not to follow him. Obviously he decided to take those matters into his own hands.

Again, comparing black Trayvon to my white sons, David, Eric, and Austin, if a man walked up to them in that exact situation, they would rebel against him out of fear. They would also wonder what was up with this guy, watching them, following them. People are taught not to trust strangers, especially strangers stalking them in the dark and more so in the rain. In their minds they would think George was looking for trouble or out to hurt them in some way. Self preservation becomes pretty strong in those situations. Teens, basically without power, have nothing to defend themselves with but their mouths and their fists. My sons would have used both. Should they be shot? No. Even if they overcame their “attacker” and held him on the ground, or knocked him out and walked away, should they even be charged, again, of course not, but this is a different world. Any of my sons would have been arrested and charged if they didn’t die in the altercation. Trayvon would have probably been arrested if he didn’t suffer a fatal gunshot wound at the hands of a criminal justice major. All because of judgemental speculation.

George would have looked like an “creepy old man” compared to Trayvon’s 17 years. I’m sure he was scared and though nobody knows who threw the first punch (there was proof of a physical altercation) it doesn’t matter. George approached a seventeen year old, at night, in the rain and with an attitude. That much is obvious from the 911 call when George stated: “These a**holes always get away.”

George didn’t listen when he was advised to stay away, but he continued to stalk Trayvon. Was it because he was black? I doubt it. I think it was because he was a kid, with a hoodie, period. If nothing else, George stalked Trayvon, scared him, making it almost impossible for Trayvon to feel safe enough to continue on home.

The responsibility doesn’t only fall on George, but on the police department as well. A witness, as they told the police officer, heard Trayvon cry for help. It’s obvious on the 911 recording that it was a child screaming, not George. The officer then “advised” the witness that the cries heard was “really” George, not the victim.

Yes, George is a criminal justice student. Yes, George had a criminal record. Trayvon was squeaky clean. So what happens next? They post pictures of Trayvon flipping off a camera somewhere, probably a facebook picture. Yep, that will certainly prove he is a thug out looking for trouble. Again, if you have sons that age, they too may have a facebook picture looking about the same as Trayvons, no matter what color he is. Just like Barrack’s statement was about race. Good job Rick and Newt! Your comments show how weak you two are…you’re grasping at straws. Sad thing is there are people, you know, like the Ku Klux Klan, Arian Nation, and the neo Nazis’…. that will buy into it and they will praise those statements, because that’s just what they are looking for. Amazing and totally irresponsible of both Newt and Rick. It's pitiful to try to gain points on the back of a young murdered teen.  

To the Trayvon Martin family: I reach out to you with many prayers and heartfelt condolences. I can’t even begin to imagine your pain. I’m so very sorry for your loss and the inability of law enforcement to grant you justice. May your son rest with the angels.


Friday, March 23, 2012

"Deaf Silence"

This past week I had a conversation with a certain city official. In that conversation he stated that he felt people listened in “deaf silence.” This was in reference to the people fighting for the Ice Arena in Allen Park at the emergency meeting held last Tuesday night, speaking out to save the arena above all else, while the entire city is on the verge of financial collapse.  

The term, for me, didn’t only include the people in the Auditorium. It included the population in America, in general. In my mind the term, “deaf silence” morphed into “dumb silence” and then to “dead silence.”

With those terms in mind I thought about how many rights we have lost over the years. How many people are totally unaware only because they listen in a state of “deaf silence?” While America gears towards tyranny the importance, to many, seems to be in fear of the loss of “the pleasure principle.”  

Growing up in the seventies it was the “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” mentality. It seems that as my generation grew older the top priorities may have changed, maybe to something like, “sex, sports, and cable TV.” or “sex, less taxes, and I, me, mine,” but the short sightedness stayed the same. The Pleasure Principle.

My intelligence is stymied at how many people count on one news source, be it CNN, FOX, or MSNBC. I can’t believe how many people, with internet access, take one news source verbatim. They don’t research beyond the comfort of the living room couch. And then they vote based on their learned bias. “Deaf silence.”

People focus on the negatives brought before them on the nightly news. An issue like the “mess” the Occupy movement is creating seems to take the 1960 protesters into a state of:  “I can’t believe they are doing this. Look at them! They are nothing but drug addicted kids smoking pot with nothing else to do. They need to get a job. They all want something for nothing.” I have heard that so many times I want to grab shoulders and shake these people awake. I want to break through the “deaf silence” and say: “These are the people that are trying to save all of us, respect them!” None of the criticizers have been to a rally. I have been on the steps of the Michigan Capitol. This was just before the Occupy movement took hold. I saw people between 18 and 80 (or older) standing against the power appointed to the Emergency Financial Manager, taxing the retirees, and the dissolution of collective bargaining rights. The protesters are the people that know what is happening. They are the people that haven’t succumbed to the “sex, drugs, and rock and roll” carry over. They are the people that hear every vote waged against the people of America, robbing freedoms. The protesters don’t suffer from “deaf silence” as their counterparts do.

“Deaf silence” metastasizes into “dumb silence” when Americans agree with bills signed against the 1st Amendment. When bills are signed making the right to peacefully assemble a felony, religion can be used to discriminate, and there is a push for censorship of the internet, we are in big trouble. The people that can turn their heads and do nothing, yet condemn those that speak against it suffer from “dumb silence.”  In the minds of the people suffering from this condition, like Alzheimer’s, they forget they used to know what freedoms our government was capable of taking from us. They turned their backs and focused on what was important to them, the things that make them comfortable, once again, “The Pleasure Principle.” This condition leads to stronger government. Those afflicted pave the way for harsher laws to be signed. Without treatment “dumb silence” becomes terminal.

In the terminal stages of “dumb silence” we see the condition exacerbate into “dead silence.” This is the stage where the pleasure principle has superseded all making the listener dangerous, not only to themselves, but to all their fellow Americans. At this stage they are coerced into believing that big corporate business is far more important than feeding the poor and elderly under the “trickle down” premise.  This is a state of political coma. Here is where tyranny takes the foothold and bills against Due Process, for Martial Law, and against every other American freedom runs rampant, decaying and eroding the once cherished and fought for American Dream. The sufferers of “dead silence” nod in agreement to the loss of rights out of the propagandized fear pushed out of the mouths of network news commentators and politicians with agendas. Without the knowledge and awareness of their own sickness they sacrifice what they hold most dear and that is the RIGHT to The Pleasure Principle.

America is in big trouble due to those who have been controlled out of the moderator, fear. The Patriot Act and The National Defense Authorization Act are horrendous laws against basic American Freedoms. The Deaf, Dumb, and Dead back these laws thinking it is what is best to keep us free from terrorism. Is it? Do you really think the laws passed are what have kept “the terrorists” from striking us? Think again. To believe that, in itself, is ridiculous.  The laws are against the American people. It is our rights that have significantly diminished, not the rights of the foreign terrorists. Wake up America!

Till the next time….over and out!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

“Let’s Send the Letter” Allen Park Votes

“I’d rather fight the devil I can see than the devil I can’t.” Allen Park Mayor William Matakas spoke against the vote at the emergency meeting last night after the panel voted to send a letter to the State asking for financial review.

I shook my head as I listened to Councilman Dennis Hayes state, “I would say do it as quick as possible, tonight if we could, but since we can’t, first thing tomorrow.”

Allen Park residents clapped as the vote was approved. It was almost as if the citizens believed if the State came in and reviewed the current financial status they would have answers. I could only continue to shake my head while thinking of a term labeling people blinded and easily led: “Sheeple.”

The panel was aware that the State had told them it would be better if they waited until after the May 8th millage election. Not one person appeared to care there was a reason for that warning by the State.

I wanted to laugh in disbelief when I heard someone on the panel say: “Well, he went into Pontiac and Ecorse and advised them.” I wanted to shout out “and they both have Emergency Financial Managers now, don’t they?” I didn’t, only because I knew it would fall on deaf ears.

The Allen Park residents didn’t seem  concerned about their city falling into the hands of the State. Their focus was on the Ice Arena. I couldn’t believe they were shouting out “privatize.” One by one, people came to the podium and talked about means to save “the ice.” They talked of private donations, privatization, everything and anything that would save “hockey.”  Yes, Sheeple.

I listened to an hour and a half, mainly about the arena. There was little talk of the entire recreation center, but there was some. I couldn’t believe that the Department of Parks and Recreation hasn’t had a plan in place since 2001. That one simple neglect has cost that department thousands in grant money. I, also, found it interesting that Wayne County had to contact Allen Park and tell them they had $120,000 in grant money waiting for them to update the park system. The Department of Parks and Recreation should have been up on what is allocated to them and the neglect of this matter is unacceptable. Oh, but then it doesn’t involve the beloved hockey arena, an area that I felt was directly about the adults and their passions.

The people of Allen Park don’t realize or understand that the appointment of an Emergency Financial Manager isn’t something the city “asks” for. It is someone the Governor decides to appoint, like it or not. I know Mayor Matakas is well aware of the way the Governor is pouncing when he can smell the weakness in any city. The EFM is not something a city wants to fall to. I guess examples of Benton Harbor, where the city has lost all control, property sold, counsel ousted (and they even need special EFM permission to attend city meetings,) Mayor non-exist, isn’t a good enough example. The EFM won’t care about the beloved “ice” that the residents are so concerned about. He will sell it to the highest bidder, making it almost impossible for even the residents to be able to afford ice time, much less allow it to the school system. Maybe he will even sell the space to Westinghouse for storage.

I spoke to two residents after the meeting and they agreed that the people of Allen Park only care about the big recreation center and the ice arena. They both agreed the people “just don’t get the seriousness of an EFM against our freedoms of a city.”

My job is going to be to try and help Mayor Matakas get his 4 mill, two year, tax increase. I will shout it from rooftops to all Allen Park residents until they understand that an EFM isn’t going to come in and assist the Mayor and the counsel in fixing the financial issues in Allen Park. The EFM is going to sell off everything they can…they call all of the shots…and the residents have no recourse.

The police and firefighters are against taking a cut and the union is backing them, but wouldn’t a cut in pay and benefits be better than the union contract being canceled and the city police and fire fighters being privatized or sent to another city to absorb? These are the things that happen when an EFM is in place. Do your homework!

So, to you Allen Park residents…VOTE and PASS that millage on MAY 8th…or your praised “Ice” may become a thing of the past, along with the city police, fire fighters, paramedics, garbage collection, and taxes may increase anyway, because the ONLY person the EFM answers to is the Governor.

Be careful what you wish for.

Till the next time…


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Millage Approval v Emergency Financial Manager in Allen Park

Allen Park is facing drastic measures to keep their city afloat. Their choices are few; either pass a 4 mill tax increase, agree to cuts in pay and benefits to fire and police, close the recreation center, or put in place an Emergency Financial Manager.

The deficits aren’t due to mismanagement or corruption of city funds. The city had big dreams with a deal they had with Unity Studios. Those dreams were interrupted with the reality of over $400,000 in unpaid rent, bills, and vacant leased property that accrued the 48% decrease in expected tax revenue from the proposed Unity project.

I talked to Allen Park Mayor, William Matakas, at length. As he spoke his voice, even without words, reflected his deep concern for the city. He openly discussed the hard decisions and concessions that had to be made. He lacked the natural political arrogance of most politicians, sounding more like a father worried about financial security of his personal household. Concern for this “family” above and beyond his place as the Mayor, resonated in his voice.

To escape the implantation of an Emergency Manager, Mayor Matakas explained, the 4 mill tax increase had to be voted in. He explained that in December and July the average house in Allen Park assessed around $43,000. The millage would raise the taxes about $167.00 per year, but with the assessments the real costs to the taxpayer would be an average of $22.00 less than what they paid last year. 

I explained my fears of the people being unaware of what implementing an EFM could mean to the Allen Park residents. I told him I feared they didn’t realize the power shift. A Mayor and City Council could be diminished to a “Dictatorship” with one person holding all the power. The City Council being cast out, the Mayor holding only the power to take minutes, and the votes of the residents, meaningless. The EFM would have the power to end all contracts, including, but not limited to, fire and police. He agreed and also feared the validity of the power, constitutionally, but acknowledged how real those powers enumerated to the EFM are.

Mayor Matakas went on to say the other ways to contribute to the lowering the deficit was to close the recreation center, saving $400,000 (less maintenance and utilities,) ask the fire and police to take a 20% decrease in benefits and a 10% cut in pay (with explanation of a 2013 guaranteed 3% raise to the fire and 2% to the police, making the actual pay reduction to 7% and 8%,) and the prospective sale of 2 small parcels of land.

I tried to contact Unity Studios, but all the numbers I could find were invalid.

There is an emergency meeting today in Allen Park to address the EFM issue at 7p.m. I hope to see many Allen Park residents there.

Till then….over and out!


Friday, March 16, 2012


With every election year the conservative Republician base pulls out all the stops, using and manipulating God, to gain and secure votes from the religious sect. I resent the manipulation of my God for personal or political gain. I cannot sit idle and watch religion be used as a tool to discriminate. I find it interesting they use the same 1st Amendment, that they have been voting against, as their leverage. The same 1st Amendment that was bashed recently with the Anti Tresspass Bill that passed the house lacking three votes of being unanamous. The religious base is fired up, again, with anti abortion, anti birth control rhetoric. I read the bill Amendment 1520. The bill: Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, which would have allowed an employer to deny insurance covarage if the plan covered abortion and/or birth control solely based on the employers religious moral conviction. Though, the bill was voted down in a 51-48 vote,3 democrats and 1 republican crossed the partisan line. The vote clearly shows the division of the Senate and the desperation of the conservatives to reach the "God fearing" voters. This falls on the heels of Virginia House Bill 189 that passed allowing adoption agencies to discriminate based on the same religious convictions. Separation of Church and State was meant to avoid discrimination, not make an excuse for it.

My God says “Judge Not.” My list of 10 Commandments include: Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie), right along with Thou shalt not kill, steal, or here is a big one for those conservatives who cry “moral religious convictions,” commit adultry. I researched political sex scandals going back to the first in American history. Out of 57 sex scandals involving politicians, 35 have been Republican, 22 have been Democrat. Out of the same 57, 14 were homosexual, and the Republicans tied the Democrats, 7-7. Republicans led, 4-3 in children born from adultry, and they also led 3-2 in underage sex scandals, but they continue to beat the “moral conviction” drum. Astonishingly, Newt was in one of them. Those are just the public scandals. I can’t even begin to imagine how many politicans have paid for sex with prostitutes, had illegitimate children, or had homosexual contact, that was bought out or hidden in some other way. There is also no way to know how many of the affairs prevented pregnancy through the use of birth control or abortion.

Believing in God gives me free agency. It is my choice what sins I choose to lavish in, for it is I who will burn on my own self created cross. Nobody has the right to tell me what I can and can’t do “morally,” especially when their own hands are covered in sin.

Of course, it is a smoke screen issue, fed to the religious sect. The votes against these freedoms are also votes promoting discrimination. Evenutally, these types of voters will put the fate of our health into the hands of the employers and the insurance companies. I guess people don’t understand this is America, and religion is diverse. There are religions that don’t believe in any medical treatment. What do you think the “moral conviction”of an employer that believes in no health care, leaving health in the hands of God, without recourse, would do to the health and well being of you and your family?

For the life of me I can’t understand the entire war against birth control. The conservatives don’t want birth control or abortion to be covered. They don’t want to pay to feed the unwanted babies. They don’t want to pay to house the unwanted babies. They don’t want to pay for legal, medical, or psychologicial costs for neglected and abused children, much less pay to run adoption agencies. Where is the money going to come from to take care of these "unwanted" children? I simply don’t get it, do you?


Thursday, March 15, 2012


As freedom raping bills continue to pass through state and federal governments with rapid speed, dismantling our constitution, the American populous is focused on Rush Limbaugh. His point is valid to many conservatives. The rudimentary expressions sparked great debate and controversy, keeping the media buzzing with an alarming number of supporters. The majority siding with Rush paralleled his language and his beliefs that birth control shouldn’t be covered by insurance. Rush believes it is the gateway for women to be promiscuous “sluts” and “prostitutes.” His comments were directed to 30 year old, Sandra Fluke, after she testified before Congress about her university’s health care contraception coverage. One by one, callers followed Rush’s lead, with a succession of redundant statements, almost identical to the demeaning words used by the arrogant media showman.
Rush directed his verbal assaults to one woman, but the sound and meaning of his words resonated to all. How dare any man publically dehumanize and criticize Ms. Fluke, reaffirming the Republican/conservative views on women’s issues? With the nation back peddling on all civil rights via both political parties; it certainly isn’t the time for a public debacle slamming women and their rights.
I wonder how deep the tracks run in the mind of Mr. Limbaugh and his like thinkers? The birth control/abortion issue is multi facetted.  I understand that he doesn’t want to pay for “sluts” and “prostitutes” to live a promiscuous lifestyle without the fear of getting pregnant, but shouldn’t any prescription written by a doctor be covered by insurance? What if his insurance company refused his high cost, life saving, medication, discriminating because of his age? Would he then reconsider what prescriptions should be honored?
 American greed has led people to the selfishness they exhibit, everyday new drugs are added to the “do not cover” list, and eventually the insurance companies will decide which drugs are worth the lower cost to their insured and which isn’t.  The liberals shake their heads, astonished by American complacency and wonder when America became not only a blind nation, but a selfish one?