When are people going to get it? When did people become
so frozen in their emotions they lost logic? Critical thinking has gone
out the window, intellectualism has become ignorance, and people just don't get
When you sit on Facebook and spew all of your hate and
anger, you show the world how incredibly weak and dumbed down Americans
have become. On a global scale, look at us. We're a joke, we're hypocrites,
we're liars, we're bullies, and no matter what our societies believe, the world
sees the truth.
White people, Black Lives really do Matter. I’m sorry
that racism is so huge in this country, you are blinded by your whiteness.
I’m sorry that black people are being slayed, daily, to get the ignorant
whites to support severe police brutality, or in other words, Martial Law. You
push pro police memes and post angry comments like, then don’t get in trouble with the police, then. (Just know, I always
hear the unsaid humph and see the
sticking out tongue that goes along with that mentality.) I’m sorry, white
people, I was raised in Dearborn, circa 1959. I am as white as you, so I fully
understand what you mean when you throw your support behind the cops that kill.
If it was in your city, would it be acceptable to you? If it was your child or
grandchild would you defend the officer that killed her and recite: well she stole 3 c.d.’s, six years ago, she
was a criminal, she deserved it? One of the harsh realities is many think, how could it happen to my child, they’re not
black. I grew up watching that attitude. Admittingly, I am guilty of many
racial thoughts, in my past. It was the
politic of Dearborn. I lived the ordinances that were created to keep blacks
out of the city. Yes, white people, you don’t
want to live in black communities and you don’t want them in yours. You say it’s the blacks that crate the ghettos. Again,
if you knew the facts, you may get it. You may understand why Black Lives
Here, I have to throw in the newest Facebook meme: Anyone caught rioting should be banned from
welfare for the rest of their lives. Yes, white people, many of you believe
only blacks riot. They, obviously, think
that sixteen-year-old rioters, will grow up to be dependent on the system, because that’s how black people are. Your
remedy is to pose economic sanctions on an already strained situation? Criminals
should be tried in our judicial system. I swear, it’s like there was a glitch
in programming and your mind went blank.
Christians, I truly do respect your choice of dogma. I,
also, respect Mormons, Catholics, Jewish, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Scientologists,
and every other religion on this earth. I
respect all religions; I do not think prayer should be said in public schools.
I don’t get it. I went to school with so many of you that consistently post: Bring prayer back into our schools. I’m
fifty-seven years old. We didn’t have prayer in public school, at least not in
Dearborn, nor have any of my children, except when they were in Catholic schools.
It was my choice to put my children in a school that recited prayer. So please, stop with that. Prayer has no business in the public
school arena. If you want your children to pray in school, put them in a
private school. That’s how that works. Unless of course, you want to clutter
the student’s day with prayers from all religions perceivable. Don’t even try the really uneducated excuse: America was founded on Christian values.
It is not true. Yes, you’ll argue, you’ll put me down for saying it, but you
won’t research and seek the truth. If you attempt, it will be with citations
from the Christian Science Monitor, not a history book. Holy cow, some of actually
believe the earth is only 6,000 years old. So, please, stop, or don’t. Just
know when you do post those things, intelligent people, the ones with the
facts, are shaking their head. (Oh, and that other favorite, where bibles aren’t
allowed in schools, well, I’m sure, if it was carried and read on a student’s
free time, the Gestapo wouldn’t come and seize their book. At least, not yet.)
Another feather ruffling issue for me is, "Drug test Welfare recipients, because
I had to pee in a cup to pay for them." I do laugh at you guys, while I’m shaking my
head. Really? Americans stand in lines,
with little cups, willfully. We have to submit body fluids to our employers and
our government. Let that sink in. Why are you complaining: Why do we have to and they don’t? (Again, I hear the, It’s not fair, whine.) When the real
question is, why have we allowed ourselves
to have to submit body fluids to anyone, for any reason? The, we have to, so you should too, thought
process, boggles my mind.
As for Colin, I’m glad it’s catching on. Of course, you’ll
disagree. You will fight, slander, and even want to impose economic sanctions
on him, while I feel pride. I know you can’t grasp, again, what Colin has done
to bring awareness to an American condition. As you spew, “He’s disrespecting
our flag,” “He’s disrespecting Americans,” “He should be fined,” and, “He
should be fired,” (of course, we can’t forget all of the irrationally ignorant
insults you publicly throw,) the movement grows. Are you really that unaware? I
find myself thinking, and you vote? That’s
a serious concern. You guys vote, without having a clue of the power of your
vote, or what you are voting for. I know, and I hear this all the time, our vote doesn’t count. Well, with that
mentality, it never will. To bash Colin, without a doubt, is a hypocrisy. Sadly,
as you clutch to your judgment, you’re blind to the exact thing you say you’re
Now let’s traipse into the well beaten issue of the Syrian
refugees. Again, I wonder how it feels to talk out of both sides of your
mouths. First of all, what do you know about the Syrian refugee issue? Do you
have any clue why there are so many Syrian refugees? I know, it’s common
knowledge that we are bombing ISIS in
Syria, right? Are you sure that is the only reason? Well, mainstream media and Facebook
meme’s say it, so it’s all you need to know, right? I guess you don’t know why
Putin is defending Syria’s Assad. Could it be that we sent chemical cylinders to
the un-American soldiers, without instruction
on how to use them? Those chemical cylinders went off accidently. Of course, we
didn’t take responsibility. We turned it around to benefit us. We blamed Assad.
We said he launched those chemical weapons on his own people. He didn’t. We
did. We tried to use accidental chemical detonation as a catalyst to bully our
way to overthrow a government, but Putin, rightfully, stepped in. Oh, I know,
now you will call me a communist, or a Russian sympathizer, because you don’t
even realize that Russia isn’t communist anymore, but, then again, that’s only
if you know who Putin is.
NRA, come on. You guys are the best, or worst, for seeing
only one issue, they are trying to take
our guns. Little do you know; you guys are the worst for voting for the
regimes that are setting the stage for your guns to be taken. While you support
total gun freedom, you refuse to acknowledge that being loyal, to only the 2nd
Amendment, your vote destroys the meaning of the Constitution. Your vote
supports Blue Lives Matter. You support the abuse of police power, helping to
change us into a police state that allows officers to shoot and kill. American
value? Nope, that isn’t acceptable to any real American.
Every one of you claim to be pro Constitution, Patriots. Your
stance, on every issue above, conflicts with the very crux of what it means to
be an American. You cast stones, scream, belittle, and humiliate that flag, you
know, the one you claim you pledge your allegiance to (but only in public.) You
call your politicians names, like Killery or Obummer, showing simple disrespect
to your country. You shame me. You desecrate the value of my Americanism. You
are free to say whatever you like, it’s a 1st Amendment right, but,
you also bare your ignorance in doing so. You are the sheep that continue to
lead our Constitution to slaughter. It’s
with illiteracy, you cast your vote. You are American decay. You turn a blind eye to facts, while your ears
are busy gobbling up mainstream gossip, then your mouth vomits ridiculous
soundbites into social media. I am an America
that values our rights. I value equality, due process, search and seizure,
peaceful protesting, and religious freedom. Those are my rights as an American.
Those rights were penned in for a reason. It is my fellow Americans, my people, that fought,
died, and were maimed to protect those fundaments rights. How dare you
disrespect values that others died to secure? No, I will not leave my country, because half-wits
lack facts and run on prejudiced emotion. I am smarter than you. I will fight,
with all my might, to keep my country free. I am a Patriot. I am an American. I respect the fallen. I will defend my country,
and my people, while you sit there, chomping at the bit in your pseudo patriotism,
fighting against every American value we’ve treasured. I believe in America. I
believe in the fundamental basics of Lady Liberty. No, I won’t leave, I’m a
freedom fighter, and I won’t make it easy for you to destroy it. Throw all the
insults you like, because I throwback fact. Maybe, just maybe, one of you will
American up, instead of living drunked up on idiocrasy. Ignorance isn’t bliss
when there is so much at stake.
Let freedom ring.