Monday, September 30, 2013


Be it the Retro-Republicans or the Democrats, at this point, I’m sure both sides are in agreement: Shut it down!

Porking up the debt ceiling bill is not the way to go. I think most Democrats and Independents respect the no pork clause that President Obama refers to as, “a clean bill.” I do.

The last debt ceiling bill brought us Section 735, The Farmers Assurance Provision Act, also known as “The Monsanto Protection Act.” This is the bill that porked provided immunity from federal intervention if crops were known to cause any issues, even health issues, to the consumer. No pork this time. It’s the debt ceiling or shutdown.

I don’t understand why the Retro-Republicans want to bilk a bill that was ruled on in the Retro-Republican Supreme Court. It seems these laws create a whine fest among almost fifty cent of the nation.

So many people are confused about the implantation and the protections of The Affordable Care Act. Many believe the billionaire’s push against it. Of course the high powered insurance companies and billionaires would be against it. It’s a no brainer.

The fact is our medical practices fall forty-fifth, below Tiawan, and we are the last first world country to jump on the bandwagon to a national medical plan. Isn’t it time we took care of people instead of the billionaire’s bank accounts? I think so.

The billionaires have pumped millions, if not billions, into negative ads against “Obamacare.” The pushed propaganda is fed through commercials and local governments, like the governor of Georgia, who has been a spokesman for the elitists. How many dollars has his bank account grown?

 If I hear one more person say that the plan will euthanize our elderly I’m going to scream. Doctor’s have been writing those orders before Obamacare even came into view.

A friend called, in tears, begging me to write on the medical condition of her mother. Her mother had had a mini stroke and seemed to be fine. The doctors were going to send her to a rehabilitation center. Her heart was functioning at forty percent. The plans instantly changed and my friend was told her mother could only to a nursing home. Not knowing any different, my friend and her brother allowed their mother to be sent to a local nursing facility.

The first day of visitation her mother was in tears. “Why aren’t they feeding me or giving me my medicine? They won’t even give me a drink of water.” She asked her daughter, my friend.

Her daughter thought it was her elderly mother’s way of instilling guilt for allowing her to be put in the facility instead of taking her home.  She ignored her mother’s cries.

The second day, she went through the same thing. Still, she ignored it. She felt her mother was just afraid. She reassured her and told her she was just there for rehabilitation and would be released soon.

The third day, my friend noticed her mother’s tongue was almost peeling off in chunks. It was then she believed the words her mom had cried. My friend stormed to the nurse’s desk and demanded to know why her mother wasn’t being fed, given water, or taking her normal medications. She was horrified to hear the nurse’s response. “It is doctor’s orders, nothing by mouth.” My friend asked about feeding her and giving her water. She couldn’t understand that her mother was being euthanized. She took her mother out of the nursing facility, with a new added dilemma, Mercer.

In my friend’s tirade she begged me to write and expose this nursing home for allowing her mother to die. She ended her statement with “that damn Obamacare.”

I tried to tell her Obamacare had not even begun, but with her southern culture, she disagreed. Her mother was ordered to die, by starvation, by a doctor. She was dead set to blame The Affordable Care Act, the Act that hadn’t even begun to be implemented, due to the propaganda the Retro-Republicans have pushed, heavily, in the southern states. My friend lives in Georgia.

Too many people are listening to their famed Fox News. The people listen to the television commercials that are funded by those who do not want the Act to take effect. Ask yourselves why the billionaires would be against it. Then you will understand that it isn’t about all the rumors you’ve heard, it isn’t about what you have been hand fed from news commentators or commercial representatives, it is about helping people. How can you argue against that?

Till the next time,




Saturday, September 21, 2013

Warning: Don't Buy the Smile

I recently heard David and Charles Koch donated ten thousand dollars to the Detroit Zoo to create the perfect artic climate for the penquins. Then I watched a television commericial with Dave's smiling face. I don't know what he was promoting, but I assume it's about changing the Koch image. I wondered if there was a political race in the near future. The thought scares me to death. The bro's are super billionaires that buy and train republicans, from Eric Holder to newbies on the block, to vote toward privatizing everything imaginable, from the prison system to the educational system. For years they have been destroying our land through mass pollution, fracking, and genetically modified foods (DuPont). Their plants emit carciniogens into the air and into the water in the form of formaldhyde causing cancer and death to many. They created the tea party, without the baggers even knowing. These brother's have too much control of our laws, land, and lives, without any reguard to any. They are tyrantical deviates born out of greed. Dave and Chuck, not the halarious radio duo, but the power hungry capitolists, are behing many of the smear campaigns and the backward republican thinking that's going on today. After all, that's how they are taught at Koch Kamp.

When you see the Koch faces, plastered on your television, smiling, pretending to do something good, ask yourself what their intentions are. They want you, the people, the sheep, that are easy to lead, to follow them. It's no different than a trick or treat custome. Beware of anything or any political that has Koch ties. This is not paranoia, it's fact. Detroit is a prime example.

Open your eyes, don't trust the smile, and research the boys before believing in them, after all, their father made the original Koch wealth through his dealings with Joseph Stalin. How much blood is on the Koch dollars? One wonders.

Till the next time,


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Two Faces of Syrian WMD's

First published as Editor's Pick on
By | Saturday, September 7, 2013

Filed under: Culture and Society, Military, Politics, Top Stories
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Prove who is responsible before creating more death. Declassify!
The U.S. should declassify its evidence and prove who is responsible before creating more death.

I have watched many reports on the chemical attack in Syria. The U.S. says it knows now, without a doubt, that Syrian President Bashir al-Assad is responsible for the attacks on his own people. However, the world, including the U.N. and Russian President Vladimir Putin, wants to see valid proof before any military action is taken. American arrogance proposes that the word of government officials should suffice, with proof hidden behind the “classified” curtain.

American prosecutors can’t convict a petty thief without presenting the facts against the assailant to the judge and jury. Can Obama, or Congress, take military action against al-Assad without bearing the same burden?

There is another side of this story that isn’t publicized. The rebel forces in Gouta, a suburb of Damascus, say they had possession of chemical weapons, supplied, they said, by Saudi intelligence and released accidentally.

Abdel-Moneim, the father of a rebel who lived in Ghouta and was fighting to overthrow Assad when he was killed by the chemical release, said his son and 12 others were killed in a storage tunnel used to hide weapons provided by Saudi militant Abu Ayesha, who leads a battalion of rebels. Abdel-Moneim said some weapons had a tube-like structure while others were like a huge gas bottle.

“My son came to me two weeks ago asking what I thought the weapons were that he had been asked to carry,” Abdel-Moneim said.

According to the same report, a female rebel, “K,” supported Abdel-Moneim’s comments by saying: “they didn’t tell us what these arms were or how to use them. We didn’t know they were chemical weapons. We never imagined they were chemical weapons. When Saudi Prince Bandar gives such weapons to people, he must give them to those who know how to handle and use them.”

“J,” a well-known rebel leader in Ghouta, agreed, and stated, “Jabhat al-Nusra militants do not cooperate with other rebels, except with fighting on the ground. They do not share secret information. They merely used some ordinary rebels to carry and operate this material.”

“J” went on to say: “We were very curious about these arms and unfortunately, some of the fighters handled the weapons improperly and set off the explosions.”

The people of Ghouta said the rebels hid in private homes and mosques while the weapons were stored in tunnels.

Later in the day, after the alleged attack by al-Assad, the militant group Jabhat al-Nusra, which is linked to al-Qaida, said it would similarly attack civilians in the Assad regime’s heartland of Latakia on the Syrian western edge, in retaliation.

This is a single report ignored by the American government while they point their finger at al-Assad without exposing the sure-fire evidence they claim they have against the Syrian President.
President Obama claims he cannot declassify the classified evidence because it would expose certain intelligence operations.

Lives are at stake. Committing to holding to 60 days with a 30-day rider, just in case we need more time, to bomb the al-Assad regime, is too much rope to give Obama. There should be no strike against Syria without concrete and open evidence.

Military action would not raise so many national and international objections if it was an honest act of policing and protecting people against chemical warfare done with total transparency. Putin is not against use of force in Syria, as reported on local media; he is against military action without definite proof that his ally, al-Assad, is responsible.

If Obama is telling the truth, he needs to expose the evidence to the international community.
If the Saudis are supplying chemical weapons, where does that put America? What can U.S. intelligence tell us about that? It would probably remain classified, but global security should trump national interests.

Wouldn’t we be surprised to find the terrorists who have helped maintain the Syrian civil unrest responsible for the chemical weapons? Would it surprise us to learn that the Saudis are funding the rebels? Would we believe that if the American-allied Saudis were funding the rebel forces against al-Assad, American hands would be clean? Would we expose our ally or would we hide the information and side with the rebels to overthrow a regime we don’t like? Would we join in to rob al-Assad of his power because that’s what we want, or would we do the right thing: evacuate the innocent, join forces with Russia, and bomb the hell out of the guilty, be it al-Quida, Jabhat al-Nusra, the common rebel freedom fighters who claim to be fed the chemical weapons by the Saudis, or the Saudis themselves, if that’s where the guilt lies? Allies or not, I would be ashamed if America closed its eyes to such horrendous acts by a country we support and call our friends. What statement would that make to the world?

Until we declassify and show the world our evidence, we have no business playing in the field. Russia will retaliate, at least diplomatically. The 30 to 60-day window for missile launches will come with consequences that we may not be willing to take. The “no boots on the ground” policy can change in the face of the retaliation we will suffer.

Russia is not going to stand mute while the U.S. violates another international law, nor should it.
If you can’t play fair, don’t play at all.

Till the next time,
