Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thrifty Thursday: David Porter: Porter Property Maintenance

I decided to make Thursday my day for consumerism. I will share my view of small business from my personal experiences. I will promote the businesses that have gone the extra mile with old fashioned, superb, customer service. On the other hand, I will also share the experiences that fall short, both on services and attitudes. If any reader decides to hire any of these services, upon mentioning my article, they will receive a ten percent discount. I am not paid to advertise for these companies. This is purely my personal promotion based on excellent service.
My first promotion is for Porter Property Maintenance. The owner of this company is David K. Porter. Mr. Porter handles all of my lawn care and snow removal needs.

Dave is a lifetime Downriver resident. He graduated from Woodhaven High School in 1988. In his junior year of high school, Dave joined the Army Reserves.

Dave’s childhood was one of many struggles. His mother and father divorced, leaving Dave’s mother single with four young children. Nancy Porter soon remarried. This caused loyalty issues for young David. He didn’t know how to remain loyal to his biological father while accepting the new stepfather into his life.
The new marriage started off with many trials. Dave and his three siblings now had to share their mother with the addition of three new siblings, the stepsiblings, and a new head of household, Doug.

Doug took on the financial responsibility of seven children and a new wife. In the beginning it wasn’t too hard. Doug had a towing business that was thriving, but soon the bottom fell out and they became desperate. As hard as it was, the family fell to the welfare rolls. Though, poverty took a financial toll, Nancy and Doug didn’t let that affect the children. They remained very close knit as they struggled to survive.
Dave remembers his Christmas’ as bittersweet. As a young child, before his father left home, his Christmas’ were normal, traditional. There was the tree with all the trimmings and many presents from Santa. Though, Christmas was normal with his biological father who had a stable job, his father was never there. He recalls a story of Christmas as he was a little older, maybe 10 or 11. He was taken to the VFW Hall in Rockwood and was told to take a toy out of a box marked by age. At the time he didn’t think much of it; it was sort of cool getting to choose a toy, but soon the embarrassment took hold and he understood what it really meant. He felt this shame while listening to his friends talk about their Christmas gifts. They were poor, but the stepfather, Doug, (which he calls “my dad,”) was always there for them.

Dave remembers the feelings of the high points of both Christmas situations. The early education molded him into the Santa Ninja. At Christmas, Mr. Porter makes sure no child is left behind. Santa comes for any child he may know, or even have a brief encounter with. His heart will not allow for any child to feel the bite of choosing a toy out of a box. He makes Christmas wishes, even the largest, unreachable dreams and wishes, a reality for every child he knows. I know this for a fact; he has done it for mine.

Dave married at a young age, had a son, Robert, and two daughters, Chelsea and Kelly. He recently divorced. He is in a relationship with a woman, Nicole, and helps in raising her son, Aiden. There is no doubt he sees Aiden as one of his own.

Dave is a family man. He loves to golf and he plays hockey weekly.
Though, Dave’s appearance may intimidate some, with his shaved head, piercings, and tattoos, he is a very hard working, meticulous, perfectionist. He establishes a personal relationship with his customers and he cares about pleasing them. He goes the extra mile, throwing in little things, just for esthetics, and he always works with a genuine smile.

David Porter is trustworthy and dependable. He can plow snow, remove ice, and cut a standard lawn, all at a reasonable cost.  Payment can be by monthly contract or pay as you go. He will work with you. He even has barter accounts, which are pretty nonexistent in today’s world. Dave isn’t just the snow and lawn guy. He is a landscaper. He can take the most dismal surroundings and make them weep luxurious beauty. He is talented and enjoys both the work and the people he meets along the way. His customers become friends and are treated as such. He appreciates every one of us. His appreciation shows in his work.
So, my first small business promo goes to David K. Porter, owner of Porter Property Maintenance. I couldn’t imagine promoting anyone else in this field. I know, with payment, he will take the minimum for himself and he will provide for someone else, somewhere, that isn’t as fortunate. Dave is a true American with impeccable family values.

I am so confident with Mr. Porter’s preformance that if you try him and aren’t completely satisfied, I will pay for one snow removal or lawn cut by a company of your choice.

To contact Mr. Porter please call: (734) 308-3459.

Till the next time, enjoy your beautiful yard…


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

American Honor

Article first published as American Honor on Blogcritics.

Since I began writing, I have been called numerous names. I have been told I should be tarred and feathered and run out of town. I have been called a Communist, a tree hugger, and a liar. I have been banished by God, and his fearing people. I have been accused of being stupid, unaware, and out for the handout. I have listened to people call the president names such as Obozo, and use terms like "froward." I have read shared articles stating our president is a Communist; a Socialist. I have read falsified information that shifts the responsibility of our current state of economy, in its entirety, to the current White House administration.

All of these things are simply big corporation lies. The lies are created to muddy the minds of those who want to believe them, as if it suits their purpose. The people like me, the people that look at both sides of the story and then search out the facts, know exactly what I am talking about; the rest will slam me with their ridicule. My side on this particular piece is this: It isn’t about who is right or wrong. It isn’t about liberal or conservative. It isn’t about Republican or Democrat. It isn’t about black, white, brown, Latino, or Arab. It isn’t about Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Scientologist, Muslim, Jew, or Hindu. It isn’t about young, old, male, female, or sexual preference. Today, it’s about pride. It’s about the honor and respect for our leaders, regardless of their politics. It’s about our people, our politicians, and our government, not about whose side we are on or what political stance we take. Where did that American pride and respect go? When did we become so disrespectful? When did we become so full of hate? When did we allow our values to be preached to us by the networks? When did we become so incredibly selfish? When did we lower ourselves to verbally abusing our officials, with an Archie Bunker mentality? We sit on asses of self righteousness, calling names, throwing disrespect, like playground bullies, too afraid to confront the real issues, too lazy to act on them, and too complacent to attempt to make any significant change.

I’m not sure which side of this chicken/egg came first. Did the politicians stop respecting our people or did the people stop respecting the politicians? The people will blame the government and the government will blame the people. In the mass of deceitful lies and betrayal of one another, I can’t help but ask myself, does blame matter? Today, that seems to be all that does matter. We live in a state of who to blame, because the politicians are so weak they have nothing else to stand on. They can’t stand on their convictions, because they are devoid of conviction, they are bought and paid for by the corporate steam of power and arrogance.

Corporate America took a big hit when they lost to Obama. They had the balls of the Republican Party clenched down tight, on lock. What they preached to the public was lighter government and less government control. I play with words all time. I enjoy playing with metaphors and similes, as do corporate speech makers and marketing analysts. Maybe I can see it only because it is a trick of the trade, but still, it’s transparent. What they metaphorically call less government means less environmental protections, fewer fines for illegal dumping, fewer restrictions on air pollutants, fewer laws governing the safety of the people, to enhance their financial growth. They pay for this advertisement through food stamps, collective bargaining, and the slow growth of the economy. Corporate America hides behind the belief of trickle down, yet as their growth soars skyward, it leaves us with less than the trickle from a defective prostrate.

The people see that the elections today are filled with voter suppression, and they laugh, as if it is about their candidate winning, at any cost. The message is clear in America: Cheating is okay if you win in the end. What kind of hypocrites have we become? Who are these new American infidels? We discipline our children if they cheat a friend. We suspend a student if they cheat on a test. We lose a job if we cheat the numbers. Cheating is a punishable offense, unless you are a politician or the supporter of one, then it is solely about winning, getting to the top no matter what, right? Double standard? Where is the honor in winning if you have to cheat, lie, deceive, betray, and sell your soul to be the winner? Where is the integrity of the politician who chooses, or merely allows, that to happen? Is that really someone we want to run our country? Is this what young men and women have died to protect? Our voter’s rights were supposed to be sacred, but they have fallen prey to corporate and political vultures.

We are watching big corporate money, with the help of the sham of Citizens United; buy our elections, over and over. People like the Koch brothers have quit trying to hide it. They laugh. They think it’s funny that the fundamentals of Americanism have been overthrown by the power of dollars. Voters think it’s funny? Their mindset: whatever it takes to beat Obama. People rally behind the Koch spin machine. They call Obama the communist, but what the people of these groups don't realize is the Koch wealth was born in communist Russia. Fred Koch, the initial money maker, made his millions from, the one and only, Josef Stalin, a leader in communist Russia. The original Koch millions were made by the hands of a very true, very real, very violent, and very communist Russian leader. Now, what was that about Obama's communism? I watch the Crossroads, Crossroads GPS, (Karl Rove dominated), Americans for Prosperity ( Koch founded and funded), and Restore Our Future commercials and I want to scream out the truths, I want to vomit the injustice to every lost or crippled soldier. I want to fight for the American who has lost sight of the American patriotic forest due to the mirage of power tripping trees.

Pride, how in this world can any American feel pride anymore? We live in a country based on a lie of freedom. We condemned and impeached President Nixon for wiretapping in Watergate, but we turn our backs on the Patriot Act, allowing every American, at will, to be spied upon. No impeachment followed W, because the fear of terrorism was too firmly implanted in those who again, couldn’t see the proverbial forest.
We thumb our noses at the current president, calling him a Communist, when the reality is he is just a Republican in colored clothing. Obama isn't any different than the other conservatives, he is just a little more humane. The conservative spin whines against him, not realizing he is basically one of their own. Come on, he signs bills that would make even a moderate Liberal cringe. All too often, he plays to his base, but the glare of his conservativism blinds some. While some believe the controlled media, they degrade him for the economy, because that is what is pushed. It isn’t true, but they repeat, share, and defend their stances. What is true is he signed the National Defense Authorization Act, also known as NDAA, which is a totally unconstitutional bill. NDAA was a direct slam to the American people, just as the Patriot Act and the Patriot Act II both are. This bill gave our military the ability to strike on our own soil, which is constitutionally erroneous. To me, it’s writing on the wall. Does our government fear the Occupy movement to the point of excessive force? One should wonder.
Our current president also was in talks in a backdoor international trade bill that would give exclusive environmental risks clearance, via a panel of three international lawyers. Not judges, not Americans, just lawyers. This panel of three would have the power to overthrow American law on American soil, to benefit the corporate world. All of this in the name of free trade and global economy. My question is this: Who had this global economy idea in the first place? Take a good look, what good has it done us?
Last night, I listened to FoxNews tell the people that with Obama lightening immigration for illegals, he was contributing to the bad economy. So, they believe if we deport people by the masses that it will provide more jobs for the American people? I don’t think the state of our economy falls on the heads of illegals, that’s another brainwashing, anti Obama, tactic. I think our economy dumped when our large corporations became too greedy and decided to move their companies to Mexico and other third world countries so they could benefit from slave labor. I guess they grew tired of just Mexico, though, because now they seem to be going for the global slave trade. Bill Gates loves it, though, along with his other multi-million, multi-billion, dollar buddies. The color of the skin may have changed, but slavery is alive and well in the 2012 world today.

Our current government has purchased tons of pink slime to feed our children in their school lunches. Our Department of Homeland Security has purchased 450,000,000 rounds of .40 caliber, hollow point, bullets. This is not our military, this is Homeland Security. Homeland Security is strictly about American soil. Hollow points? They are looking to do extensive damage, but who is the proposed target of this very destructive ammunition, on both levels?

We have a blacked-out media that doesn’t allow for the real headlines to cross through without censorship. We have police using riot control and illegal arrest tactics against peaceful protesters. We have immoral free trade agreements that will sell us out without us ever having a chance to reverse them being discussed behind closed doors. We are eating genetically modified food and pink slime ordered by our government. We have given rights to the executive branch to shoot on sight, to arrest and detain without due process, to stop and frisk, to racially profile, to patent the vaginas of women, to starve the hungry, and to discriminate with religion. We subsidize big oil companies with billions of tax dollars. We are facing wiretapping, drones, cameras, and censorship of the Internet. They are working toward a blind and controlled nation. Is it the communism of President Obama, the fascism of the extreme right, or is it both sides, attacking us, sneaking in though our blind spots? We are losing very basic rights daily, not just from the Obama camp, because the truth is, his hands are fairly tied, he can’t pass anything without the help of his friends, now can he?

Now, what was I saying about having pride and respect for our politicians? How can we possibly feel pride in a nation that sends their young men and women to fight wars, risk their lives, limbs, and/or sanity, under the premise of freedom, when the real war zone is in Washington? Our soldiers face grenades, chemical warfare, bombs, and high powered weapons daily, all in the name of fighting for our freedom. The real war isn’t with the foreign terrorists and the threat of terrorist attacks, bomb blasts, and gunfire. The real weapon that is used against the American people is the Washington pen. The hand that holds it, as it signs away our rights, is the terrorist who would shame even the most ignorant, and arrogant, of Americans.

What kind of a people, what kind of a politician, would send our people into a war with such disreguard to all human life, when there isn't any risk of the loss of our freedoms in the first place? What kind of people can claim victory on the blood shed by the children he has sent to fight the battle he hides from fighting himself? How barbaric and imbecilic have we become? Have we lost the ability to see through the hologram? Did we ever have it? For the life of me, I can't understand our trend backwards. I can't understand why or how people accept Citizens United. I can't understand why people can't see we are not being screwed by the current administration any more than we were the last one. I can't believe patriotic eyes have been sealed by the glue of the billionaires club. I can't believe the low level of integrity in Americans, both publicly and politically.

Tell me, how can I respect this nation that lives under such a pretense of freedom? How can I pledge my allegiance? How can I stand with my hand over my heart with clear patriotism? How can I be a proud American when I can’t find any pride or honor in our politicians? I can’t. I want a leader who is honest. I want a leader who doesn't hide behind closed doors or fear leaks. I want a leader who believes in the truth and the justice that the American people believe in. I want, and would to anything to have, my free America back. I want respectable leaders who aren't bought. I guess those days are gone. RIP America.

Till the next time, Peace.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Another Line of Koch

Article first published as Follow the Line of Koch, Fundamentalists on Blogcritics.

“We’ll make darn sure they spend it in a way that goes along with our intent. If they make a wrong turn and start doing things we don’t agree with we will withdraw funding.” David Koch.
There is no denying that I detest the Koch Brothers and their dealings. They don’t even try to hide their motives anymore, but the people don’t even know who they are, much less what they do, or the power they have in being political billionaires. Koch money is easily handed out to bill signing aficionados. I am livid at the manipulations plastered on Fox News Network. I am disgusted at the weak minded that buy into the rhetoric without digging for the truth. I am disgruntled that these two men are, double handedly, overthrowing our politics, politicians, and our freedoms and rights as Americans. What sends me totally over the top is they count on the Christian Fundamentalists’ dependence on the false rules drummed up in the bible to help further their cause. While the people bow to their Jesus, David and Charles are laughing at the weakness and the ability to lead the meek, or ignorant, to the brink of the toxic cesspool, and like drinking the Jim Jones Kool Aid, they happily snort the Koch, poisoning themselves and every American around them.
Let’s start with the devout Tea Party. The Party is mainly made up of the Christian Fundamentalists. They are a party born from the womb of Americans for Prosperity. The fundamentalists were so happy that a group was going to fund and back their moral beliefs; they didn’t check what Americans for Prosperity really stands for. Were they aware they were selling their ultra moral souls to the reverse side of redemption? They believed they, with the help of Americans for Prosperity, could change the world back to how their God wants it to be, per the words of the two thousand year old book. The Christians, believing they are standing for their God, swallowed the baited hook. The message was sent to vote Republican. Vote with God. Vote with morals. Vote to keep the nation from falling to Hell. As soon as the Tea Party politicians were placed in office, all part of a devised plan, the agenda changed. The Koch’s’ had their majority in office to pass the laws that fit their corporate minds. All else was smoke.
The fundamentalists still can’t see the writing on the walls. They have yet to understand the meaning of divide and conquer. They buy into the anti gay, anti abortion, anti birth control, anti social program agenda. They believe the propagandized pronouncement of key terms: entitlement, handout, and something for nothing. As they worship their bleeding savior they have yet to ask themselves: “What would Jesus do?” They certainly don’t fit that bill, no matter how many praying hands show up at the polls. They tune into Fox and buy it as gospel. Even God said to search for the truth. Never once did he say to be narrow- minded or to pass judgment.
 Their religious leaders stand and speak of killing homosexuals. Maybe it’s just me, but can’t we all hear the whisper of Jesus Christ, as he hangs on the cross: “Come my children, crucify those that are different than you, pass judgment, single out those who you disagree with, insult them, cast stones at the ugliness of their difference of beliefs, starve the hungry, neglect those that need medical attention, kill off the planet in which my father, your almighty God, created for you, create unrest, begin wars of greed, feed the wealthy, ignore the cry of the homeless children, they aren’t entitled to anything. Don’t give handouts, people don’t deserve it. Always, my dear children, give breaks to the wealthy, give them the strength and clear the pathway for them to pollute the land and to torture your soul with their poisons. Eat the genetically modified food presented, that says what my father planted for you wasn’t good enough. Always, my children, I say unto you, do not tax the wealthy and do not let your nation take care of those in need. We are not of the faith of taking care of the sick or needy, we are to bow to the rich and allow them to destroy our nations, our lives, our freedoms, and pollute not only our lands, but our hearts and souls through manipulation, lies, and ignorance. ”
Faith in my God, in my strong spiritual beliefs, shuns those believers. They do not even know the God they pretend to follow. The premise preached is diabolical. The Koch invention of the super PAC, American’s for Prosperity, speaks volumes: American’s for prosperity. I’m sure that is exactly where Jesus would have stood, with prosperity, in a room full of hungry, homeless, non educated, uninsured, and unemployed people, he would have inhaled the Koch ideology and shed his blood for their wealth. Amen?
I put the responsibility on David and Charles Koch and the fundamentalists that were so desperate they clung to the heels of the Koch created Americans for Prosperity. The fundamentalists, without knowledge, gave the brothers superior control in our lawmaking. The laws aren’t to protect the theism of the fundamentalists; it is to clear a distinct path to allow the wealthy to control our laws, our freedoms, and our land. Yes, I am angry.
I don’t think this is a liberal issue. I think this should be an American concern. Let’s talk about the Koch bros:
David Koch leads A.L.E.C (American Legislative Exchange Council) which pushes laws that further the corporate intention. These laws that are pushed are not about your anti abortion/anti gay beliefs. A.L.E.C. educates legislators and helps inform judges through Koch funding. Our judges and legislators take Koch lessons at A.L.E.C. They are taught which laws they should support, which are never moral laws, to further corporate business and the free market. A.L.E.C pushed for privatization of federal and state services and assets to blocking caps on unlimited credit card rates. Remember, the people that belong to A.L.E.C. are our bill makers, many Republican lawmakers, and judges. The companies that belong to the A.L.E.C cult are, my favorite, ExxonMobil, along with: Walmart, Coke, PepsiCo, AT&T, Bayer, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson, Kraft, Koch Industries, and U.P.S. Those big money names, especially ExxonMobil, sit at meetings and tell our Republican lawmakers what laws to push through. Now that is scary. I tip my hat to Coke, Walmart, and PepsiCo for recently leaving A.L.E.C., but I know Koch Industries joined with Pfizer and Exxon because they still have too much big money power in our legislation.
Through American’s for Prosperity, Crossroads, and Restore Our Future, the Koch’s are buying the minds of the fundamentalist and those too lazy to search for the truth themselves. They look for articles to fit their thought and push it through. Koch makes the rules and funds these super PACs. The team is taught to motivate and coach the voters. Their goal: To turn people away from environmental laws, social spending, taxing the rich, and division of wealth.
Koch agenda:
Repealing health reform
Deny climate change
Dismantle collective bargaining
Fight reducing carbon emissions
Fight to keep money in elections
Fight Internet neutrality.
The president took massive slams for not allowing the Keystone XL drilling adventure. The Canadian based company wanted to lay miles of pipeline, with substandard steel, and a lot of danger of spillage. The press and, of course, Fox, were all over it. They disrespected the president with many untrue accusations. The president was accused of not wanting to secure our own oil and keep dependence on foreign oil. It didn’t have anything to do with our dependence on foreign oil. It was nothing more than another route to line the Koch pockets.
When the house asked who was to make money from Keystone, guess who popped up? Koch. The, in pocket, Republicans denied claims that the brothers would make money from the oil sands, but it isn’t true. Koch owns Flint Hills Resources and had told Canadian Officials they stood to make a lot of money from the Keystone XL adventure, but they wouldn’t disclose it to our government. On line the Koch brothers made videos claiming no connection, but when asked, almost ordered, to come and talk to Congress, they refused. It’s no wonder our president was being slammed by denying the Koch’s big money adventure. Billionaires have a way of buying their clearance, through lobbyists, legislators, media, and propaganda to the public, this time it seems to have failed. Too many issues were against drilling. The spillage was of great concern, but it also wasn’t oil that could or would lessen our dependence on foreign oil, nor would it lower our gas prices. Its sulfur content is far too high. I’m sure the Koch’s are still pouting over this, but then again, they are just going to spend over the top to buy the candidate that will secure their fininancial endeavors, no matter what the costs to our land or our people. It’s free market.
We wonder where all the privatization talk began. I wonder how people can support it. I don’t understand why or how people can support privatization of something we once cherished, like education. People don’t understand, with the privatization of education comes the ability for the owner to share and teach their personal view, be it American, Communist, Racist, Fascist, or not. Like any private school, the morals taught are not limited to American standards. David Koch tried to pursue privatization in 1980, but the notion left Ronald Reagan shaking his head. Ron didn’t share the Koch fear of Communism, as the Koch’s were bred with, nor did he believe in giving the private sector so much power in our lives. As the Koch Brothers grew, so did their dream of open markets, and the out of control earnings, for free enterprise.
N.A.F.T.A (North American Free Trade Agreement) was passed with the billionaire’s help of David Koch and his Citizens for a Sound Economy, and other corporations and their allies. Wasn’t that the beginning of the fall of our manufacturing industry in the United States? Who, but the very rich, would benefit from free trade? This begins the birth of our global economy.
The Koch brothers are also behind the rise of Scott Walker, the governor of Wisconsin. It is obvious that Walker is a Koch puppet. David Koch said: “We’re helping him (Walker), as we should. We’ve gotten pretty good at this over the years.” Koch is the largest union busting supporter. He spent $17 million to support the cause. What I don’t understand is how easily the people voted to back the demise of collective bargaining rights. I know, the Koch’s funded, through their super PAC American’s for Prosperity, and their personal contributions, the propaganda against the unions. What’s worse; people believed it. They fell to their knees and began to sound like the high end business.
The Koch’s have learned to be proud of themselves and they laugh at how easily the people follow a few keywords. They chuckle at the working man’s desperation. The unions supported the worker. The unions kept benefits just and the pay scale fair. The unions demanded decent working conditions. All that will just be a memory to companies that could care less about their workers. They want to create a lot of $7.00 an hour jobs in a $20.00 an hour economy. They want to end child labor laws, benefits, limit insurance, and get rid of environmental control. The people follow. I would laugh at all of you; too, if I was a high end business owner, but I can’t laugh, I pity the ignorance.
Restore Our Future is also Koch Industries owned. Bill Koch recently gave $2 million to support them. They advocate lower corporate taxes, less government spending on social programs, and reduced environmental regulations. The premise, most believe, is if big business has more cash flow they will create jobs. The income of Koch Industries has skyrocketed while their employee roles have plummeted. The division of wealth in this country has fallen almost to a level seen only in third world countries. The theory does not work. Taxes continue to be lowered and jobs are not created.
If the government spends less on social programs it brings the people to their knees to low paying jobs that requires them to work two or three jobs to support themselves and their families. They become slaves to the elite class.
If we get rid of environmental protection then there is a field day for the Koch brother’s to illegally dump chemicals, like they have been doing all along. The only difference is, they won’t have to pay the fines for doing so. Koch is a huge contributor to dumping illegally. They illegally dump chemicals. They are guilty of formaldehyde steam rising from their plants. They are high level polluters. Of course, they want to end environmental protection; it gets in the way of their gross capital. I know, the people that live around Koch Industries who are diagnosed with cancer at a rate of over 90%, don’t matter. It only seems to matter to us tree huggers. What’s the problem of contaminating our land, our earth, our air, and how dare us question, care, or regulate. It’s the price the poverty stricken sheeple have to pay so the rich can get richer, I suppose.
The Koch brother’s are thieves, as well. They literally robbed oil from Indian reservations, as if it was their own land. They pumped and stole enough to back them into litigation. It was fairly hush hush, it was only against the Indians, right? Koch’s had to pay $25 million in retribution to their victims. Is that a big enough price to pay? I think jail time would have been far more appropriate. If I stole $25 million worth of goods, I would spend eternity in prison.
The Republicans, in the 2013 defense budget blocks the military from developing or even testing bio-fuels. They claim it’s too costly, but then they passed a resolution to promote expensive and dirty coal to liquid coal. This was backed by the Senate Armed Forces Committee. Coal, along with its cancer causing agents, is acceptable. Back to the Koch’s and their clean coal society. No big deal; after all, the Koch’s are making big bucks. It seems with every Republican bill pushed, there is Koch behind it. It’s quite scary when you see the Republican agenda leads to benefit Koch.
The Koch brother’s have set up think tanks: 1st Free Market Think Tank, The Mercatus Center, and George Mason University. They have bought news media. They are now focused on overthrowing all democracy, at least democracy as we know it. The brothers know the only way to force their agenda is with a Republican President. They are throwing their money, and tons of it, to ensure Obama loses. This isn’t because they believe he is a communist, like they try to make you believe, this is so they will have an open door to control everything, making free market a free ride.
The super PACs American Crossroads and its nonprofit affiliate, Crossroads GPS plan to spend $300 million. The super PAC Restore Our Future has already given Mitt Romney a lot of money, but their target is $150 million. Adding Americans for Prosperity to the list, the aim is $850 million, and that is just the contributions through the super PAC’s. That doesn’t include the money funded for all the high level voter suppression, as in the bills the Michigan Governor is trying to pass to suppress democratic votes. That doesn’t count the voter suppression in Florida, either. These Koch following Republicans are actually, and outwardly, trying to depress votes, legally. When in American history was it ever imagined that the leaders of a state would try to curtail the vote of the public? When did this behavior become acceptable? Why are we allowing it?
The Koch brother’s are well on their way to being the highest bidder of our highest and most respected political position, The Presidency. Yes, they are buying it. The Supreme Court appointing the last Republican president was bad enough. The Koch brothers are thieving, chemical dumping, union busting, governor owning, integrity lacking, brothers that have brainwashed the public into blindness. They are stealing our democracy.
Now, back to the Tea Party, did you see a word written about the good that American’s for Prosperity has done to further your fundamental goals? I would have written about them, if there were some, but they simply aren’t there. I cannot find a link that would make one believe that American’s for Prosperity cares about abortion rights, gay rights, religious rights, or any of the other rights you are constantly using God against. They do care about racism, just as the elder Koch father did, through his beliefs linked to the John Birch Society, but there was nothing that would further your holy agenda. You have been duped, ironically, by your own judgment. I can’t feel sorry for you, but I do feel sorry for the condition you and your judgments have put our entire nation in.
Before you bash me, and I know you will, do research on the Koch brother’s agenda yourself. Then hang your head in shame. You’ll see, you were just a pawn, and you were manipulated by the brother’s that laugh at your fundamental beliefs. You gave them the power to make us all choke on the power of the elite. Continue to follow the line of Koch, like any other good addict.

As always till the next time... over and out, Pam