Sunday, April 29, 2012

No EFM Vote? No New Bridge

first published as No EFM Vote? No Bridge on Blogcritics.

Michigan took another hit on April 26 when the State Board of Canvassers, in a split 2-2 vote, struck down the petition to bring Public Act 4 (The Emergency Financial Manager Law) to the November ballot. The people of Michigan had gathered 203,238 signatures; 40,000 more than were needed. The signatures were all approved as legal. The board is made up of two Democrats and two Republicans. All four are appointed by the governor. A winning vote can only come from crossing party lines. There was no way either side was willing to budge on Public Act 4. Republicans Jeffrey Timmer and Norman Shinkle voted against the petition. Democrats Julie Matuzak and James Water were in favor of bringing the issue to the people.

The reason the Republicans denied it? Font size. Printer Bruce Hack, of the Inland Press, said he certified the type size met legal requirements before printing the petitions.

Public Act 4 is an unconstitutional law. This law gives Emergency Financial Managers sole power and control over the city they are appointed to. They can cancel all contracts, oust city council, and leave a mayor without merit. They can sell property to the private sector. They are granted exectutive power, too much power, and they answer to nobody but Governor Rick Snyder.

Of course, it is all a part of privatization. Snyder isn’t going to crawl out of the Koch Brothers' or Waltons' pocket without a fight. I have an idea: lets see how much power Snyder really is willing to take from the voters and the people of Michigan.

The same board that denied allowing Public Act 4 the vote in November did push through the vote on Snyder’s pet project: The New Bridge. He is going to try to sell it to the people as a boost to the jobs market and our economy. He will say Canada is willing to give us $550 million toward building the new bridge. The truth is Canada is willing to loan us $550 million on a project that is going to cost how much? Oh yeah, $3.6 billion!

The voters haven't forgotten that the elderly and education paid for the cuts to Michigan’s richest at $1.8 billion. Where is Rick going to pull $3.6 billion? Who is going to pay for that? I got it, the teachers, or maybe the hungry and the poor, or the EFM savings from sold land and cut services.

But I have a brilliant idea. I say we turn out, in record numbers for the vote. I say we should cast our vote against the new Detroit to Canada Bridge. It would infuriate Rick almost as much as he has insulted the residents of Michigan. Maybe then Mr. Snyder will understand the meaning and the message in the power of the vote!

He has robbed the people of their vote with EFM's. If we refuse the new bridge through voting, maybe, just maybe, he'll get the picture. Vote no on the new bridge in November!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Importance of Lilly Ledbetter

Article first published as The Importance of the Lilly Ledbetter Act on Blogcritics

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act has been throwing daggers into right wing sides, once again. It is the first law President Obama signed into effect when he took office in January of 2009, only three days into his term.

Lilly Ledbetter sued Goodyear for pay discrimination. She took her case to the Supreme Court and lost. The ruling was based on a time statute issue. According to the Court, she had 180 days to file her discrimination claim after she discovered she was being discriminated against. Ms. Ledbetter filed after six years. President Obama lifted the 180 rule for pay discrimination.

With Mitt Romney in the Republican Party spotlight, the issue has become active once again. The Republicans want to reverse and reinstate the 180 day rule. The Executive Director of the New Hampshire Republicans called the law “a ‘handout’ (note party slogan) to trial lawyers.” The “handout” goes to businesses, on the backs of women. With women without children earning $.90, women with children earning $.73, and single mothers earning $.60 to every man dollar, there is a definite issue. Are the conservatives oblivious to women’s issues or are they just egotistically imperious? The roles and responsibilities of women are complex and should be appreciated and respected, not diminished and regulated.

Every working mother knows how to juggle work with home and children. Even in dual parenting families the mother takes responsibility for the children. She is in charge of baths, homework, doctor appointments, bedtimes, parent-teacher conferences, daycare, illness, nurturing, and values. Some fathers have stepped up to the plate, but the majority of women still handle all the affairs with the children.

For single mothers the stress is much higher. Many single mothers don’t have the advantage of having a father at home to absorb even the slightest responsibility. They must work to provide, even with state assistance. All the responsibility falls on the single mothers. While at work, the single mom stresses about her children at home. She worries about their needs and how she can provide. While at home, she worries about her job and how she can excel and make more money. She worries about instilling values in her children. She becomes both the mother and the father. She doesn't have to play time, relaxation time or even stress free time, and if she gets a night out she feels guilty.

Society usually looks down on single mothers. Neighbors comment, “Look at that woman across the street with those three kids. She doesn’t have a husband.” Single fathers don’t have that same label. For them it becomes: “Look at that poor man trying to raise those three kids by himself.” It should be the poor woman, because financially, she can’t compete with that “poor” man.

For decades, men have complained about paying child support. They complain that their ex had her nails done with his money. They forget that she paid all the bills, missed work because the children were sick, stayed up all night cleaning vomit, bought clothes, shoes, and tended to every other childcare need. The importance becomes the $12.00 manicure. She is a bad mom
The father, sometimes totally absent, can gamble, sit in bars and drink away his paycheck, go on vacations, purchase new vehicles, and shirk his parenting responsibilities. He chooses to alienate his children. Yes, he may be arrested for not paying his child support, but that doesn’t go very far. He is usually released from jail by just giving the court what he has in his pockets. If a woman took her paycheck and did the same, she would be brought up on child neglect charges. Why is Dad allowed to neglect his children? Why isn’t nonpayment of child support a neglect issue?

It’s because of these reasons that the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is imperative to the growth of women. Women depend on their jobs and are sometimes afraid to make waves. They can't afford to take a chance and lose their jobs by filing suit against their boss or company. They need time to build the strength to face the financial demons. The pre Ledbetter law didn't allow for that time. The conservatives disagree.

When women fill both roles they should be honored, not shamed and degraded. With 13.7 million single parents, 85 percent of whom are single mothers, they deserve a break. They work hard and they carry a burden most men will never understand. So, with the conservatives trying to cast sanctions on women, like birth control, abortions, and unequal pay, think about a woman’s real role in society: motherhood. She is responsible for nurturing the children. The children of single mothers, too, are the children of our future.

Till the next time...see ya,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Triple The Debt Theory

Our last president was elected with one word: “change.” The rivals are desperately trying to win the stage by pushing their 2012 slogans: “handouts,” “something for nothing,” and “free ride.” The Republicans/conservatives make claims that are, unfortunately, believed by their followers. One of the biggest repeated pretense is President Obama has tripled the national debt. Using the “National Debt Clock” I worked the numbers and numbers, unlike politicians, don’t lie.
The national debt is close to 15.7 trillion dollars. If Obama tripled the debt wouldn’t that mean that he began with about 5.2 trillion in debt? The debt in April of 2000 was 5.7 trillion. In April of 2004 the debt rose to 7.2 trillion. By April of 2008 the debt was 9.7 trillion, though that still left 8 months of Bush spending. These are not all of the expenditures that occurred between April 22 and December 31 of 2008, but they are highly significant:

The 700 billion dollar bailout of the banks was gifted in October of 2008.

November 9, 2008, AIG was given 150 billion. The government used 40 billion of the original 700 billion to purchase shares giving it both stake and ownership in the insurance company. (In March of 2009, AIG reported a loss for last three months of 2008. The 61.7 billion dollar loss was the largest loss in U.S. corporation history.)
November 25, 2008, the Federal Reserve gave another 800 billion, 600 billion to buy mortgaged backed securities and 200 billion to unfreeze credit.

On December 19, 2008, 17.4 billion went to the automaker.
The Bush 9.7 trillion debt of April of 2008 rose to 11.3 trillion to December 19, 2008. There were some other very interesting facts.
Corporate taxes paid in April 2000 were 159 billion. In April of 2004 that was down to 150 billion, but by April of 2008 the corporate taxes paid took a huge leap to 350 billion. How can it be that in April of 2012 they are down to 177 billion? Interesting that the Conservatives are still cutting corporate taxes, but is it only to strangle the presidency? Look at the difference between corporate taxes paid under Bush and, now, under Obama.

In 2000, still under Bill Clinton, bank profits were 110.7 billion. Under George W. those profits almost tripled to 327.5 billion by April of 2004. The “Bank Profits” box was replaced by “Currency/Credit Derivatives” which were at 581 trillion in 2008 and 809 trillion in 2012. Who was getting rich? Not the American working class.
Once the past debt and the Bush April-December 2008 spending is deducted, we have a total of 4.4 trillion attached to President Obama.

Now, do the math. If Bush accrued an estimated 4.2 trillion in 2008 alone and President Obama accrued 4.4 trillion, where is the tripled dollar amount the conservatives sing about? It doesn’t exist.

Remember, believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear. Research before you vote!

Till the next time…


Saturday, April 21, 2012

At What Cost To Dearborn and The Downriver Communities, Mr. Snyder?

Governor Snyder is getting ready to sign another business tax cut into law. This time he is abolishing the Personal Property Tax imposed on business equipment. Equipment includes everything from computer keyboards to lathes. This has been a standing tax since 1893 that provides income to the local communities. The taxes are paid directly to local municipalities. The Governor claims it frees the business community to update machinery, tools, and office equipment, making the business arena more appealing to the prospects of bringing in new business. I wasn’t sure if I agreed with repealing the tax, but then I realized who was going to pay for the losses. Once again, like almost everything Snyder signs, the people will pay. Without a clear and distinct replacement for the loss of income on the local level many cities will fall, or at the very least, significantly suffer.

River Rouge counts on the property tax for 56.8% of its income. Ecorse, who is already under an Emergency Financial Manager, gains 45.8% from the tax. Dearborn, with their large industrial base, earns 12 to 17 million, or 20% of their income, from this tax. The already struggling Detroit will lose another 16.6 of its failing income. The property tax dollars fund schools, fire, police, and city communities with other needs. The entire Snyder regime knows the devastation that can, and probably will, occur in these cities if that income is snatched away from the cities that depend on it. Of course, it sets even more cities up for Snyder appointed dictators in the form of Emergency Finance Managers, doesn’t it?

The State says they will replace the money lost, but where will that missing 1.2 billion a year come from? Remember the 1.8 billion that was given to big business and replaced by taxing the elderly retirement checks and education? Who else will he rob to replace 1.2 billion? Like many of the past State promises to replace missing income, it won’t happen. He won’t fill the void and if he does will it come in the form of raised property taxes of residents? There is one thing for sure that we have learned from Rick Snyder and that is if he signs it it’s going to affect the “lower classes” not the wealthy.

With Allen Park, already hoping to pass a 4 mill millage on May 8th, how much will those property taxes have be raised, without a vote if need be, if the business tax is repealed?

I don’t know how much more cities like River Rouge, Ecorse, Allen Park, Dearborn, Detroit, and so many other Michigan cities, and their residents, can take. Is Snyder committing municipal homicide? Something has got to give. The people can’t continue to carry the wealthy on their backs. The weight is becoming too heavy to endure.

It’s getting to the point where all I can say is “God Help Us All!”   

Till the next time…over and out!


Friday, April 20, 2012

The New American Union

Article first published as <a href=''>The New American Union</a> on Blogcritics.

Benito Mussolini once said: “Fascism should rightly be called Corporatism, as it is the merger of corporate and government power.”

As a child I was taught against Communism, Socialism, and Fascism. These were horrendous words, almost “dirty.” We were taught against Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Benito Mussolini. Everything America was depended on her freedom and the U.S. Constitution that protected it. We were Capitalists. We were a democracy. We were honest and didn’t propagandize as they did.

At eight years old, while sitting under my desk during a “Red Attack” drill, I began to question our honesty and our use of propaganda. I was sitting under a wooden desk to protect myself from a nuclear bomb. That made just as much sense as hiding under a tarp during a tornado. It was then, sitting under that desk, I knew our government was trying to use fear as a tool to control our beliefs.

Every election year the Conservative base banter their beliefs and use God as their resource. They preach against moral decline. Abortion, gay rights, and the new one, birth control, become the tools used to suck in the religious sect. Clearly, they believe, with the high moral code of the Conservative base, the Liberals are casting the nation to Hell. The message becomes: “A vote for a Republican is a vote for God.” Unfortunately, they don’t see the hidden agenda.

The bills that are being pushed by the Conservative base are anti American, anti Constitution, anti workers rights, anti poor, and anti elderly. They want to cut public aid to the poor and tax the elderly. They want to slay Social Security, under the premise that it’s a drag on our economy. Would it be an issue if we didn’t rob Social Security of its 4.6 Trillion surpluses? If we rid ourselves of Social Security do the Conservatives believe it’s a way of alleviating the debt owed? If we rid ourselves of workers’ rights will America be a better place? We can get rid of the better paying jobs, health insurance, OSHA, and have lots of low paying jobs. Who does that benefit? I believe it would only help big business flourish without any limits. There is a large union forming and it isn’t between the working people and their employers.

The Conservative push for Corporate America resonate the words of Benito Mussolini. Every bill they sign is Pro Corporation while they sing songs of privatization. Is it less government involvement, as the Republican Party used to represent, or is it the union of State and Corporate America? Are we heading toward Fascism? The threat appears real by the actions taken.

I will not crawl under a wooden desk to hide from the destruction of our officials. Not this time. I didn’t believe it then and I’m too old to believe it now. Benito wasn’t joking and that is where we are headed.

Wake Up America!

Till the next time... Serenita'


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Buffet Rule, Social Security, AIG, Corporate America.. 2012 Election, THE POLITICAL FREE RIDE

I’m amazed at the arrogance of the Republicans that are struggling to win the presidential race this year. They voted down the Buffet Rule, a tax bill that would increase taxes on the wealthiest Americans. This increase would begin at earnings over 1 million and reach 30% above 2 million. The Republicans used the filibuster in a 51-45 vote to strike it down. Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine and Democrat Sen. Mark Pryor of Arkansas crossed party lines in their vote. Hail to Senator Collins! Some Republicans think it’s an attempt by the President to give more Americans a “free ride.” The term “free ride” has begun to seriously rub me the wrong way. I am tired of the use pertaining to liberals with the attached assimilation that “we” all want something for nothing.

Here’s to your premise: Yes, we want to preserve Social Security. Why? Well, Social Security began because many of our elderly were eating cat food or rotted food out of dumpsters. Social Security was a wonderful program that supported itself until we started tapping from it. Of course, many think we should just get rid of it; it costs too much money, right? Wrong. We owe Social Security and Medicare 4.6 Trillion dollars. So, slay the creditor? Sure, that way we save 4.6 Trillion. There is always a method for the madness. Now, wouldn’t ending Social Security be giving someone along the line a “free ride” though the non remittance of the owed debt?

“Free Ride” like in 24 billion in oil subsidies? It seems to me that in giving the oil companies 24 billion, that’s a free ride, that’s a gift I don’t want to give. I’m tired of their free ride. I don’t want to support them. The Republicans blocked ending those subsidies, too, saying (or threatening) gas prices at the pump would skyrocket. So with Exxon Mobil netting 4.7 Million per hour are they being carried on the backs of 8 dollar an hour employees? Yep! Free ride.

In Michigan, Snyder took 1.8 billion out of our budget and granted it as a tax break to big business, while taxing the retirement of the elderly to recoup the loss. Corporate America is being carried on the backs of those that can no longer stand up? Yes, again, I am tired of the free ride.

How about that 700 billion AIG deal, that was nice, wasn’t it? What a gift! People were taking 40 Million dollar bonuses out of that gift. Again they were carried on the backs of those poor people that are accused of not paying enough or expecting a free ride. Hey, do the people know that AIG is STILL getting government money? Nope, that’s kept pretty hush hush now, isn’t it?

You don’t want to pay for prescription coverage, welfare, food stamps, insurance, education, and social programs. Here’s a news flash, I don’t want to pay to have our Military stationed in 190 countries around the world. I don’t want to pay our Military to go to wars in countries we have no business being in. I don’t want to pay for bombs to bomb innocents. I don’t want to pay high dollar to politicians that are selling our rights to the highest bidder. I don’t want to pay Exxon Mobil, twice, and I don’t want another penny of taxpayers’ money going to AIG, ahhh but it does….and it’s mainly on the backs of the working class people, because the very rich have found their out in the Republican party.

No, it isn’t about the impoverished “free ride.” I’m tired of the “Free Ride” given to Corporate America in the dismal hopes of trickle down. Of course, they all banter about union busting, then the nation will fall to “right to work,” which will supply a lot of 8 dollar an hour jobs to people that won’t be able to afford to pay for education, you know, once it’s owned privately?

Yes, Republicans, Conservatives, I AM TIRED OF THE FREE RIDE YOU HAVE BEEN VOTING IN! Corporate America needs to submit some kind of a fairness. It’s time they pay their share. This is out of hand. Oh, and for that new bill you are going to try and pass next week, the one that’s going to ask for a 20% tax reduction, think about the free ride. Remember 72% of the American people polled in a CNN/ORC poll favored taxing the very wealthy at 30%. Aren’t your votes supposed to represent the people? I think you are right, the free ride should be over.

I wouldn’t ever begrudge a shelter in the cold, a plate of food, or medical help to anyone. I think that’s what we are supposed to do. I’m insulted as an American and more so as a human being at people that would take food from the poor to finance Corporate America. Yes, I’m an American and I am a proud liberal.

Wake Up America!!!

Till the next time….Peace.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Monsanto's new FAKE corn Without Labels

Before buying corn in any grocery store or farmers market ask yourself if you are interested in eating a tasty little kernel of genetically engineered, Round Up immune, insect killing toxin producing, manmade, maize. Of course, it’s corn, it’s natural, right? No, not right at all. Monsanto, a producer of over ninety percent of genetically engineered food, is at it again. Yes, they have “created” a lookalike vegetable. We wouldn’t ever know the difference between a can of naturally grown or engineered corn, so we count on our government to protect us from ingesting chemicals, right? Wrong. Seems our government, the same government that sends eighteen year old kids to war, lack the big boy courage to stand up against Monsanto. They have cowered and proverbially hid in the closet from the same Corporate America they created.  Amazing? No. There is zero dignity in pusillanimous lawmakers who claim to represent us. They allow the product to be put on the shelves for consumption, without labels. They are afraid of taking a stand to keep us from poisoning ourselves by ingesting Monsanto product. A great example of this cowardice is exhibited in the actions over Vermont House Bill H-722, The Vermont Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act.

This Bill would have forced all genetically engineered foods to be properly labeled so the consumer isn’t duped into buying what may otherwise be labeled, “natural,” “naturally made,” “naturally grown,” or “all natural,” as they are labeled now. Monsanto got a ruffle in their genetically altered tail feathers and threatened Vermont with lawsuits if they signed the bill into law. The law has been pushed aside and ignored since the threat of litigation.

This isn’t the first time Vermont has ran away with their tails tucked firmly between their legs. In 1994, Vermont tried to keep dairy’s from marketing milk from cows injected with BGH (Bovine Growth Hormone.) Monsanto pushed the seed of fear and Vermont surrendered, choosing to sacrifice people and their health over Monsanto’s power over control threats of litigation.

I’m amazed at the issue in itself. “Fear of litigation?” Is that a real threat? Have our appointees to our judicial system been so Corporate sided that the people have been robbed of their right not to eat poison? How could an American court ever side with Monsanto in a food labeling issue knowing the process could cause potential serious health hazards? Even more importantly, why would our courts side with Monsanto against Americans in the first place, labels or not?

Now, as a Mom, if I fed my children anti freeze I would be arrested. I guess I could claim I didn’t know it could possibly hurt my child, but even a bottle of anti freeze is labeled, “DO NOT INGEST.”  I’d go to jail on charges ranging from Child Endangerment to Attempted Murder. I could threaten all the litigation I wanted to, but I would still rot in jail after being raked over the “Mom that poisoned her child” coals. The Supreme Court would uphold my prison sentence. The people would cheer and post what a horrible person I was for what I had done. Why is it okay for Monsanto to poison my children without my knowledge, threaten litigation, and scare away the very people who are supposed to protect us? Why is it acceptable NOT to label food that may potentially be just as harmful to some as drinking antifreeze, long term? For Monsanto there is no arrest or charge, they simply continue to make more money by pushing thier products. 

The lawmakers cower to Corporate America, fearing our own court system lacks when it comes to protecting our own. Nice.

It’s a sad state in America when the young servicemen that are sent abroad have more dignity, honor, courage, and patriotism than the American Governing Powers. Who ever thought Senators, Congressmen, and Governmental leaders would act like the scared little boy giving up his lunch money on the playground? Didn’t anyone ever tell them that when you face the bully he loses his power? I’m shaking my head.

Welcome to America…

Till the next time….Hasta la Vista


Friday, April 6, 2012

Islam, Christian, Athiest: Religious Freedom In Dearborn

U.S. District Judge Denise Page Hood ruled in the case of Terry Jones v The City of Dearborn only hours ago. The case was brought by The Thomas More Law Center representing Terry Jones against The City of Dearborn for their request for a “hold harmless” agreement before granting permission to hold a “religious rally,” speaking on Radical Islam and Sharia Law outside of the Islamic Institute.
The City of Dearborn requested the Holds Harmless agreement because they didn’t want to be responsible for Terry Jones or his members due to a protest or rally held on land that wasn’t developed for pedestrian use. The Mosque is located on Ford Road and could be potentially dangerous. I’m sure that is just the legal terminology that justified the fact that they truly didn’t want a Radical Judeo Christian uprising in the peaceful Muslim community. I think the City of Dearborn was trying to protect, not only the Muslim community, but also Mr. Jones. Any responsible city would take measures that would aim to protect all involved and keep the city safe from potential lawsuits. We have to remember that Jones didn’t ask to march down city streets, through the parks, or in the arenas, he wanted front stage, center. The Islamic Center, the largest Muslim Mosque in North America, is where Jones chooses his face off with the Muslim community.

Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of The Thomas More Law Center said: “Dearborn has a history of discriminating against Christians who what to speak out against the internal threat of Sharia Law and Islam. And every time the City attempts to curtail the Constitutional Right of Christians, we will confront them in a court of law. There is no doubt in my mind that the City knew the Hold Harmless agreement they were trying to get Jones’ organization to sign was unconstitutional.”

I had to smile. Richard didn’t do his Mayor Orville Hubbard homework before he made that statement, did he?

I went to the website for the Thomas More Law Center and my first thought was “scary.”  They call themselves the “Sword and Sheild” for people of “Christian faith.” I read the “key issues” which defined who they are and what they believe. They are extreme right wing Christian radicals with law degrees.  Some key issues are: “Defending the Religious Freedom of Christians” (against separation of Church and State claiming no Constitutional basis, yet it is clear in the First Amendment that with Freedom of Religion comes separation of Church and State for obvious reasons.) “Restoring Family Values” (anti homosexual.) “Defending the Sanctity of Human Life” (anti abortion.) “Confronting the Threat of Islam” (fighting Sharia law and Radical Islam.) “Defending National Security” (defending a U.S. Marine involved in the Haditha Massacre. Twenty-four Iraqi civilians, women, children, and old men were killed in their homes by marines who opened fire.) “Protecting the Military” (shame and disgrace brought on by homosexuals in the military weakening our national defense.) After much reading my fear turn into pity. I felt sorry for them for their close minded bigotry. They fear what they don’t know and can’t understand. They criticize and try to intimidate when someone doesn’t fit their mold of what “should be.” They defend the “pride of the military” above lives of innocent people?  Interesting Christian views. Their key issues go into detail on their website and it explains a lot more than I am willing to explain here. It becomes obvious why they would jump on the “Terry Jones” bandwagon.

Now, let’s move on to Terry Jones. He is a former hotel manager.  He left for Germany as a missionary and led Christian Community of Cologne Church until 2009. In 2002, Jones was fined $3,800 in a Cologne court for using “Doctor” as a prefix. The fine was imposed because Jones didn’t earn a degree from an accredited source. Jones was removed from his church because of his “radicalism.” One of the current leaders of the former church, Stephan Baar, told the German News Agency, DPA, that there were suspicions of financial irregularities in the church surrounding Jones. Other members stated that Jones created a “climate of fear and control.” Free will was not allowed. Jones demanded “blind faith.” Jones preached beating children with rods, and “distinctive demonology.” He is also accused of brainwashing. Andrew Schafer, who worked as a religious monitor, felt Jones “appeared to have a delusional personality.” The extremism led Jones to begin targeting Islam in his sermons. Members became too afraid to attend services out of fear of being attacked by Muslims. “Terry Jones has a way of finding topical social issues and seizing on them for his own cause.” Schafer said. He also believes that Jones is a fanatic who loves the media attention because he feels the “immense loss of power and significance.”

From the 800-1000 member Christian Community of Cologne Church Jones led in Germany to the 30-50 members he leads today I’m sure he has became parched and power thirsty.

In the decision Judge Hood agreed it was a violation of Jones’ First Amendment rights. I agree, it was the only ruling Judge Hood could make under the circumstances, just like the ruling on behalf of Westboro Church when their rights were protected in picketing a gay combat soldiers funeral. I love the First Amendment, but I like it more when it benefits the good in people, not the bad. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way.

The accusation of Sharia Law in Dearborn is laughable. Dearborn Mayor John O’Reilly called the accusation “ridiculous.” Dearborn Residents, even the non Arabic speaking residents, know this is nothing more than a reason to stir “terrorist terror” in a place it doesn’t exist. We all know “fear” is a great moderator and Jones is going to try to instill it, by and through his “righteous God.” He is going to try his hardest to stir fear in the Christians and non Muslims against the Muslims. The worst part is he is going to try to convert the longstanding and deeply devout Muslims to his rationale. He is trying to create an uneasy atmosphere in a comfortable situation. This could be dangerous and potentially volatile. But it’s not going to work. The Dearborn Muslims are comfortable in their hearts and homes and so are their Christian neighbors. It’s what makes Dearborn work. Jones doesn’t have what it takes to strip Dearborn of its dignity and honor as a city that has evolved beyond the recesses of closed minds.

Obviously, Terry Jones and those affiliated with him, never sat in the home of a Muslim. They have never had the chance to accept the true kindness that is generated by the Arabic community toward all people, not just to other Arabic people, not just to allied Muslims, and not just to Dearbornites. Jones has missed out on the deep sincerity of the Arabic Muslim community and the appreciation they have toward the simplest show of kindness. The hearts of these people are true and run deep. It is truly sewn in the fabric of who they are.

I know Jones would like us all to fall his belief that we are being “invaded” and “taken over” by the Dearborn Muslims. Dearborn has been the same for years and there has yet to be a Holy War in the streets. By today’s standards, especially in the Western World Muslim Culture, Sharia Law is not something that is used in government or lawmaking situations. We all believe in Sharia Law if we believe that God governs and directs our personal and family life. For those that don’t believe in God, it is our conscience, or natural beliefs that guide us between right, wrong, good, and bad.  Sharia Law binds Muslims to the rules of their faith, just like it binds Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, Mormons, Buddists, Hindus, Agnostics, and Atheists to their personal code of ethics. Sharia Law, is merely an Arabic term that fits all regulations in faith, across the board. 

I know the people of Dearborn are going to unite and let the words that fly from the mouth of Jones drip off of them as gently as soft rain on a hot and dry day. The words and their meaning will evaporate without harshness felt. As a community, Dearborn residents are going to join forces and kill the “Crusade of Jones” with kindness. There will be Unity in the city that will prevail without fight or disturbance. We will not allow Jones to divide us with his mouth. We are smarter and we know he is simply trying to push the “incite a riot” button of loyalty to faith to “prove” his false testimony. It doesn’t work that way in Dearborn, Mr. Jones. You have wasted your time and money coming here. You only have the power given by those who want to bash you, and we choose to simply ignore you, therefore, you remain powerless in Dearborn. You lose. Go home.

To my Dearborn friends…We have built lives together. We have learned from the differences of each other. We have grown together, cried together, laughed together and shared lives. The focus on Dearborn has been on the negatives of Islam, radicals, and Sharia Law. Tomorrow, in front of the Mosque, let Terry Jones stand alone without our ears to hear his unwanted words. Let’s stand in Unity and show Mr. Jones what he is up against. He isn’t up against Radical Islam.  He is basically alone in a city filled with Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Muslims, Agnostics, and Atheists that are peace loving people and not easily led by his harsh words of hatred. Dearborn citizens are not and will not be a people divided by religion, race, gender, language, or fashion. We don’t need swords, we don’t need fight, and we don’t thrive on anguish. We learned to live, love, and learn together a long time ago, but we do understand that some people have to wallow in the complacency of their own ignorance.
That, Mr. Jones, is the heart of Dearborn and that is simply how we roll. Yeah, like that.

Till Tomorrow….Salam


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Radical Islam, Sharia Law, Anti Muslim, OR Are You The Religious Radical, Mr. Jones?

Terry Jones, the anti Islam Pastor from Florida, wants to come back to Dearborn to taunt and antagonize the Arabic Muslim population, once again. Mr. Jones claims he wants to speak out against Sharia Law and Radical Islam. He has chosen to speak in front of the largest Muslim Mosque in North America.  
Terry Jones is best known for ordering the burning of the Qur’an, the Muslim Holy Book. Jones told his assistant, Wayne Sapp, to douse the Qur’an with gasoline and ignite it. This drew more contempt for Americans in the Middle East. In Afghanistan, burning the Qur’an stirred anti American marches that became deadly for at least eleven people. “According to Afghan Police and U.N. officials four U.N. officials from Nepal were killed. Three workers in the U.N. Building, a Norwegian, a Romanian, and a Swede also lost their lives.” By chance, none were American, but does the nationality of the dead really matter? People died because of Terry Jones irresponsible and anti American acts. He stood against everything we stand for as Americans, yet he represented us the second that book went up in flames. I am ashamed.
Terry Jones claims to be spreading the word of God. I wonder what bible he is thumping out of. I can’t help but wonder which God he is speaking for. I was raised Catholic, but have since changed religions. I am not a Muslim, but I do respect any and all religions and the people that believe in them. I live in America where there is Freedom of Religion. We have no right to slander any religion with our own personal biasness. We are Americans. We are all protected and allowed to be who we are. We are all free enough to worship who and what we choose, and we do not have the right to push our beliefs and convictions down undeserving and unwarranted throats.
Terry Jones is suing Dearborn under the First Amendment. He is angry because The City of Dearborn wants a signed disclaimer before he publically speaks. I don’t blame Dearborn. I find it interesting that Jones is suing under the same First Amendment for his Freedom of Speech that he is slandering with his religious view under Freedom of Religion. How do you live on both sides of the First Amendment freedoms? I can’t help but shake my head in awe and disbelief.
Now, I am totally against the freedoms we are losing. The First Amendment took a huge hit as the President signed a law making it a felony to “peacefully assemble” where there is secret service people. In this case, I say bring in the secret service…and the rest needs not to be said.
Anyone that knows anything about Dearborn knows there is not Sharia Law. I find that comical. To even begin to preach against it, in a Muslim world of Americans that fled Sharia Law, is ludicrous. As for his preaching against radical Islam, why not begin by preaching against any radical religious views, you know, like Qur’an burning southern Pastors that have no place in peace keeping neighborhoods like Dearborn. I think someone forgot to tell Mr. Jones, who announced his bid for president, that the American Muslims, too, are protected by the First Amendment. I bet if we could all vote on Terry Jones presence, we’d vote “ney.” I know I would.
Dearborn is my hometown. I was raised on Theisen. I went to Fordson. I was baptized in the south end at Saint Bernadette’s. My Dad was raised on Amazon where I was born. My Grandfather bought the Amazon house. It was his first house in America after coming here from Italy. My Grandfather was a brick layer for Ford Motor Company.  My Dad was a tool maker for Fords. I am a Dearborn girl. I watched the transition to an Arabic Community, but there was never a time I was afraid, not then, not now. Dearborn is a peaceful community and the people of Dearborn enjoy their city. I have never feared Sharia Law as I drove down Dearborn streets. I have never feared the Muslims or the Arabs, but I do fear the dangerous mindset of people like Terry Jones.
I think Jones should go and run his spiel at the Mosque in maybe, Iran, where he isn’t so protected by his American Freedoms. Being a person that believes in God, I find his kind egotistical, narcissistic, and ignorant. His words and actions spread hatred. The Muslims, like the Baptists, Catholics, and Mormons have a right to their beliefs without scorn and/or ridicule. I want to know if he understands biblical terms like: Judge not. Terry Jones, go home, quit trying to insult our people here. Your “Dove World Outreach Center”  has about thirty to forty followers…why not stick with them?
Till the next time….Chao